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  1. Just spoke with one of my profs at BC about their process a little bit. (I did not receive an interview invite.) This prof used to serve on the ad comm in years past. He said essentially that BC offers invites for interviews in only 2 scenarios. The first scenario involves international graduate students for whom POIs or the ad comm might want to test English language proficiency. The second scenario involves any student, whether international or domestic, who might be competing with another student for a spot with a certain POI. That POI might want to interview one or both of those students to see who they might want to recommend to the ad comm for admission. I hope this is helpful for any/all BC applicants.
  2. Follow-up question, what if the PIs you specified in your application you already had as professors, they already expressed interest in doing doctoral research with you, and wrote glowing recommendation letters for you? Would that mean that they do not need to interview you since they already know you well and can advocate for you to the ad comm?
  3. Hey, y’all. I’m only applying to BC this cycle because it’s where I’m finishing up my MSW and my research advisor (and POI) works there. The school just seems like a really good fit with my research interests: utilizing neuroimaging technologies in social work practice toward better understanding and treating traumatic stress. Concerning my background, I don’t have post-MSW experience (obviously lol), but I’ve worked a few years in many different mental health fields and roles, I’m a recent-ish transfer from a PhD program in a different field (i.e., I have a million years of academic experience), and I got my first ms published in the field a month ago, with more currently being reviewed. I’ve heard folks on here had gotten into BC’s program under similar circumstances, so I figured it’s worth a shot. What I’m curious about is the timeline for hearing back from BC. So far as I understand, folks started hearing from their POIs at BC for interviews in late January, and they were interviewed twice by their POIs at that time. And admitted candidates heard back around early/mid February. Sound about right?
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