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Everything posted by Gradschool2022

  1. Not sure about SACP for Western, just the Clinical program. Yeah fingers crossed we’ll hear back from Windsor soon 😩
  2. I think Western had their interviews earlier in the month 😢 Not sure if Windsor has had theirs yet tho!
  3. Has anyone heard from Simon Fraser’s Clinical Neuropsychology track about acceptances?
  4. I’m not sure. I had an interview with a PI in Jan but haven’t heard anything about the recruitment day.
  5. I also went through the same process (3 interviews + orientation) and was told by the PI that results will be out in approx. two weeks Good luck!
  6. Someone on Discord said they got rejected. So I’m assuming we’ll be hearing back in a week or two!
  7. Has anyone heard from Windsor’s Neuro track? I see the Adult and Child track have heard back.
  8. Is it just me or is it oddly silent? Last year there were so many updates around this time 0_0
  9. Mine too. Although some people received an email last week that their application is still being considered. I didn’t get that email but didn’t get a rejection letter either. So it’s a little confusing. True, I heard from a friend who did her undergrad there that they’ve just started reviewing applications so we have to wait a few weeks.
  10. Thanks for the info! Do you know on which page of the forum they posted this? I can find the poster and DM them to see if they’re comfortable sharing their POI initials EDIT: I just noticed you mentioned the discord page, not the forum. Sorry!
  11. Has anyone heard from McMaster, Ottawa, or Concordia about formal interviews? Does anyone have inside scoop on their admissions process?
  12. Was your application to the adult track? I applied to the Neuro track but haven’t heard back yet.
  13. I interviewed with them last year, and remember the formal invitations being sent out on Jan 26th and decisions being made by mid-late February. If someone has been invited for a formal interview, please DM me as well
  14. Agreed! Imagine having to rely on someone who’s that inflexible. Getting matched with a supervisor who doesn’t have your best interest at heart would guarantee a miserable grad experience. Too bad you can’t always tell who the reasonable ones are before it’s too late.
  15. You’re basically voicing out what everyone else feels and you’re absolutely right to be frustrated! This is my third time applying and I haven’t received an offer yet, despite getting interviews. When I show my CV to my coworkers and supervisors they all swear up and down that I’d be a perfect fit for their program, but once admission cycles roll around, I end up not getting selected even though I have several publications and conference presentations and I know almost everyone here is on the same boat. I’ve had supervisors who told me they rejected someone over a single word in their letter of interest because it rubbed them the wrong way. It is truly a lottery draw and no one is winning.
  16. I would be interested in knowing this too! Haven’t heard anyone mention him.
  17. Thanks for the info! It might certainly be the case, although I doubt anyone would reject an interview with UTSC, especially this early in the game but who knows!
  18. I’ve heard that formal invites went out on Friday, and that they were planning on sending more early this week. So maybe we’ll hear back by today or tomorrow at the latest? Fingers crossed!
  19. @Nazb Hi! Is it a preliminary interview or a formal one? If it’s a prelim it’ll be shorter and more casual; they’ll probably ask you about your research interests and why you applied to work with a certain supervisor. If it’s formal, then the questions would be more in-depth and some may cover your future career goals, personality, research background etc. Feel free to DM me if you have any questions! I interviewed with them last year.
  20. Have all the formal interview invites for UTSC been sent out? I’m just wondering if I should lose hope of getting contacted by them at this point…they’re one of my top three schools.
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