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babooshka last won the day on March 23 2023

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  • Application Season
    2021 Fall
  • Program
    Clinical Psychology

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  1. McMaster application process was trash this year, and this is coming from someone with an affinity for Mac. The amount of frustration that came with every "your submission is under review" email is hard to verbalize, haha
  2. It's now a running joke between my friends and I that we keep getting slapped in the face with these automated emails, haha. Even past April 15th! And I say this as someone who both worked at and attended Mac in the PNB department. It's mildly aggravating and I wish they would just get it together and send rejections. I'm still waiting on any kind of word from 4/6 schools, which I'm pretty sure did not happen last year. My reaction every time I get these is essentially an upside-down smiley face. Wishing you luck in getting your rejection, as awful as that sounds! We need closure, haha.
  3. You’re right, and I did think that as well. Just need to be patient a little longer!
  4. Does anyone know how the waitlist works if I haven’t heard back by now? I was told by both PIs that I would know by April 15th - I even followed up recently and one PI said they would have told him if everyone had accepted, and he would have let me know. Do they usually just not get back to you until later, and if it’s past April 15th, you just assume rejection? I haven’t been hopeful and have been assuming rejection anyway, but now I’m just curious. Thanks!
  5. For sure. At this point, I'm not putting hope into much as I'm getting used to the rejections this third time around, haha. It's at UTSC.
  6. Thank you so much, that's very helpful! I was curious because the email I received was from the supervisor I applied to. Well, good to know that at least my scholarship application was acceptable, even if I don't get in. It's the little things
  7. Hello all! I just received an email from an institution I was waitlisted at saying that they've ranked my CGS-M application highly. What would hypothetically happen if I got the scholarship? Would it affect my waitlist status in any way, in anyone's experience? I'm unsure of the process. Thank you!
  8. Waitlisted for SFU and UTSC. Bit of a bummer but so it goes, and I'm grateful to have gotten this far this time! Has anyone else been through the waitlist process, and how likely is it that you'll actually receive an offer? Looking at the UTSC stats I'm not super hopeful! Thanks all
  9. Haha, I also got the Ryerson email. Am assuming rejection as well.
  10. Oh me too actually! Maybe we know each other Happy to also give any info you might want on some RCT faculty.
  11. Does anyone have experience with UTSC interviews (or other school interview processes that are a bit intense)? I've only ever interviewed formally with one school and it was pretty relaxed, but I had to take two full days off work for UTSC, for 7 interviews over 2 days. Needless to say I'm a bit terrified and very much nervous over what they usually ask, especially when you're interviewing with staff you did not apply to. If anyone has any advice on interview processes I would be super grateful! Thank you all
  12. Hello! I have an interview with UTSC on Monday/Tuesday. Have not heard from UBCO, and didn't apply to the rest. Good luck!
  13. For anyone wondering where things are at with SFU, I've been waitlisted for Forensic track. Unlikely that anyone applying to forensic track will decline in my opinion, so I'm essentially counting it as a rejection.
  14. I second this! Also waiting to hear about forensic.
  15. Congrats!!!! I'm on my third cycle, it can get really frustrating. I'm so glad you managed to get in
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