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Everything posted by mcminnie

  1. Do ya'll think it's ok to reach out to the programs we haven't heard from? UW deadline was 2/1 and I haven't heard a peep.
  2. Still waiting to hear anything from UW...thinking that is a bad sign.
  3. @raymo did UW contact you via email? still waiting to hear...
  4. Still waiting on CU, UCSD, UCSB, and UW, but UW deadline is February.
  5. Got my first rejection from Berkeley.
  6. I'm applying to UW, CU Boulder, UC Berkeley, UC Santa Barbara, and UC San Diego
  7. I'm apply for PhD programs, but all west coast schools...if their deadline is 12/5 why is their hear by date end of March?? ?
  8. I've applied for 5 programs as well, all west. I got all my applications in early December and I was really disheartened to see my earliest deadline had a "you'll hear by" set as the end of March ☹️ I have no idea what to expect from this process, I was recruited by my MFA program so it was completely different.
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