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Everything posted by eatyoveggies

  1. fully funded all the way!!! (or ask cmu to match umich's offer)
  2. if anyone is waiting on Indiana, I emailed and they said they sent out acceptances. If you haven't heard back I recommend emailing bc they can let you know if you were rejected or on the waitlist.
  3. For anyone still waiting to hear from Arizona State- I emailed and they said they had sent out acceptances/WL notifications so that if you haven't heard by now, it's a rejection. My portal still says 'in review' though, classic haha
  4. Thanks! Yeah It's driving me crazy too.. Hoping that these next few weeks will bring lots more movement on the waitlist. Fingers crossed for you for GSU! it seems like a great program.
  5. well you applied to a different department, perhaps they are doing something different? sometimes when one department interviews, another doesn't. so if the grad coordinator told you that you're on the waitlist i would assume its true. And for your FSU inquiry above, I was also interviewed by them and accepted about a month ago. I would assume that 'final round' means you're waitlisted there
  6. The area head (who I interviewed with) emailed me, but nothing official other than that. He said I should hear more as the April 15th decision deadline comes closer and people start rejecting their offers. I don't know where I am on the waitlist, and I didn't ask, but only about 8 interviewed for 2-3 spots.
  7. Yes- I heard from drawing& painting. Interviewed on 2/20 and was waitlisted 2/22.
  8. Pretty sure what they’re talking about is taking other classes at CUNY schools (cuny=city university of New York, and hunter is one of them.) I don’t know it works for grad programs, or how much time you’d have for other classes, but you’d be able to take classes throughout other cuny schools like Brooklyn college, city college, queens college, Lehman college, etc. you should look into it if you end up going there!
  9. In terms of cost of living, I have lived in Boston and currently live in NYC and honestly... the cost of living is not that different. It is EXPENSIVE in Boston too unless you live outside the heart of the city, but same in NYC. Since MassArt is technically a public school, they do keep their tuition more affordable compared to Pratt. So although they are giving you less of a scholarship, MassArt would still likely be a more affordable out of pocket cost. I have had professors and friends at MassArt and Pratt and both loved their programs so in terms of quality of program, your choice is great either way IMO. Good luck!
  10. I think maybe that implies you are on their waitlist? bc they sent out acceptances a bit ago. it is pretty late tho i agree
  11. anyone heard back from arkansas, arizona state, or indiana (bloomington)?
  12. I usually email the grad coordinators. And if I were you, I would just email especially if you should have already heard from them, why not
  13. a school I was accepted to said their acceptances are provisional and if I accept too late, then I might not have a spot bc they accept more people than they have spots for. I find this to be really poor practice, because their school is a part of the April 15th agreement (meaning if accepted, I should have until 4/15 to decide) so this is a shady work around in order to benefit them. I understand why they do it, but for students this is not a fair practice. So in order to have a spot somewhere, I’m considering accepting even though I haven’t heard back from everywhere yet. What are everyone’s thoughts on accepting an offer and then potentially declining it later?
  14. UNC Greensboro decisions are out- waitlisted
  15. I reached out to 3 schools so far and got completely different results each time. The first was one I interviewed with- they were sooooo nice and thanked me for my patience and told me I would hear soon and that I was a "top tier applicant". The other two schools I emailed I hadn't interviewed with. One said they couldn't give out any info b/c each department had different processes and timelines. The other simply didn't respond lol. I think its very common for people to reach out, so why not. As long as you just do it the once, I think it shows you are interested and invested.
  16. Yes they really do pressure. But also, some schools are not a part of the April 15th resolution so that might not be accurate for everyone. There’s a list of participating schools here: https://cgsnet.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/12/CGS_April15_Resolution_Oct2020Revision.pdf
  17. I applied to UArk too! I really like their program but haven't heard back. Someone on here mentioned they interviewed in early feb, which makes me feel like it's an implied rejection for me
  18. Accepted to FSU! Woo! The acceptance is similar to other programs like SVA (I saw on last years forum) bc when they offer acceptance it's "subject to availability". Which kind of just seems like a way to pressure into accepting ASAP..
  19. Mine was for drawing/painting so if it was a diff area they may have a different timeline!
  20. Anyone else out there apply to Georgia State?? I was waitlisted today after my interview on Sunday. Didn't think it went the best, it was very formal. Ah well. Also wondering if anyone has heard from Indiana, Arizona State, or UNC Greensboro. This wait is killing me... At least GSU made a decision quickly...ahhhh
  21. Yes that was how I got my interview request- I wonder if the person who interviewed was just running out of time so they had to cold call lol because I know they are releasing decisions soon. So interesting...
  22. What!! Who does that?!! This is why I never answer my phone ? If its any consolation ... I do feel like we are all our own worst critics. So keep that in mind, likely it didn't go as poorly as you think it did. AND, they called you for a reason. They must have really liked your work or else they wouldn't have called in the first place!
  23. Not sure if anyone else has applied, but I got an interview at GSU...woo! It's going to be tomorrow.
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