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    annaconda reacted to AncientQuail in MFA 2022 Freak Out Forum   
    ranked fourth on the waitlist for printmaking at UW-Madison
  2. Like
    annaconda reacted to slickjaketheruler in MFA 2022 Freak Out Forum   
    Just received an offer from Lamar Dodd with a full tuition remission and stipend.
    The rest are:
    MECA: accepted 50% tuition scholarship
    Tyler: Interviewed 2/5
    Rutgers: Rejected
    UT Knoxville: Rejected
    UW Madison: Rejected
    CMU: Rejected 
    VCU: ……crickets……
  3. Like
    annaconda got a reaction from AncientQuail in MFA 2022 Freak Out Forum   
    Hi, Madison peoples  Yes still dying here too. Based on their previous years' timelines, I thought for sure we'd know by now! Oy 
  4. Like
    annaconda reacted to eatyoveggies in MFA 2022 Freak Out Forum   
    Not sure if anyone else has applied, but I got an interview at GSU...woo! It's going to be tomorrow.
  5. Like
    annaconda reacted to AncientQuail in MFA 2022 Freak Out Forum   
    unofficially accepted to University of Iowa for printmaking ?
    has anyone been getting phone call requests from faculty members at the schools you were accepted to? I spoke to someone from RISD yesterday about my financial package and am talking to someone from iowa today. anyone have insight as to why they do this?
  6. Like
    annaconda reacted to AncientQuail in MFA 2022 Freak Out Forum   
    hi @_redrabbit7! HUGE congratulations on your acceptance and presidential fellowship to RISD!
    I was wondering if you were told much about the nature of the presidential scholarship (how many people are awarded it/if all of them have been allocated yet?) I was accepted to RISD for printmaking but was offered very little money (a fellowship of $14,000 and a TA salary of $4,000). I was wondering if it would be unprofessional for me to ask my department's graduate program director about the presidential scholarship specifically, as I've already been accepted to 2 other schools that would cover my tuition entirely. 
  7. Like
    annaconda reacted to chunkeymonkey in MFA 2022 Freak Out Forum   
    Just got an unofficial acceptance from UCLA!!!!!!!
  8. Like
    annaconda reacted to seelamfa22 in MFA 2022 Freak Out Forum   
    Received admission to UC Berkeley. Anyone else?
  9. Like
    annaconda reacted to tomatoriot in MFA 2022 Freak Out Forum   
    Just got an interview invite from Washington University in St. Louis / Sam Fox!!!
  10. Like
    annaconda reacted to AncientQuail in MFA 2022 Freak Out Forum   
    accepting to RISD for printmaking last night at 10pm!!  it was an email from the graduate program director though. haven't received anything officially from the school yet.
  11. Like
    annaconda reacted to limpcigarette in MFA 2022 Freak Out Forum   
    I also interviewed with Northwestern on Saturday and thought their questions were very insightful and critically engaged. Almost felt like critique, haha. It was tough but nourishing. I found the faculty to be very friendly though. 
  12. Like
    annaconda reacted to starcrumbz in MFA 2022 Freak Out Forum   
    Hi everyone!
    Any news from UC Irvine? I haven't heard much other than one of us lucky cats has recently interviewed. 
    Honestly, I don't know why I ask because I won't really know until I know... but somehow I find myself seeking answers instead of patience? I think I want to save myself from false hope that they may still be in the process of sending out interviews. This waiting game is torture. UCI is the only school I applied to. Next time I will apply to more even if just for the fact that I will have more to focus on during the waiting game. The crickets are loud! Good luck and congratulations everybody!
  13. Like
    annaconda reacted to Forms Without Formula in MFA 2022 Freak Out Forum   
    Yeah, I think I focused too much on price, location, and studio size and not enough on how my art would fit it. Felt all along that my style of art was different than what I was seeing but kept telling myself everyone's style of art is different. Next year I'll focus somewhere I can see myself fitting in aesthetically and worry less about the price tag cause if they want you they'll give you money! Good luck with the torturous waiting, hope you end up getting accepted but if not see you next year maybe!
  14. Like
    annaconda reacted to Salsasanasa in MFA 2022 Freak Out Forum   
    It’s not over until it’s over, as far as I read it was just print for Wisconsin for that deadline and interviews but who knows. Hang in there till you get the reject, I applied too for painting and haven’t heard anything. So we shall see! Cheers
  15. Like
    annaconda reacted to hellotothefuture in MFA 2022 Freak Out Forum   
    Hey everyone!
    I just received email for interview from Hunter !!!! Over the moon! especially after a rejection from Rutgers, it was a relief.
    Interview is scheduled on March 5th.
    Still waiting to hear from RISD, may be it's a rejection. 
  16. Like
    annaconda reacted to Pickle555 in MFA 2022 Freak Out Forum   
    Invited for a second interview (in-person) with Stanford. Didn't realize they did second interviews.. Someone asked about UCLA, I had my interview for painting last week but nothing in my portal has changed and all of my exchanges have been with the painting faculty directly. That must mean it's a departmental thing, unlike how other programs have been functioning. Had Yale interview on Monday, think it went well! Very anxiously awaiting results now!! ?
    I also just want to say (sorry if this is like sappy or unnecessary, I just think maybe it's important to say) this is my second time applying to grad school. The first time I got rejected by half of the programs I applied to. It was devastating and felt very bad about myself/art. I then just decided to take a year off from applying and focus on making work. I still haven't gotten accepted anywhere (hopefully I'm not jinxing myself) but all I'm trying to say is that if things don't work out the way you'd hoped they would, you can always try again! These programs aren't going anywhere, though I completely understand not wanting to apply more than once, it is such a long and vulnerable process. Alternatively, sometimes things happen the way they're supposed to happen! 
    Okay, my little rant is over thanks for your time lol!!!!!
  17. Like
    annaconda reacted to RyanV in MFA 2022 Freak Out Forum   
    About 20 minutes after I got my Hunter rejection I got SAIC acceptance with 50% tuition award, having a roller coaster of self worth today but remembering we are not for everyone and our worth is not based on acceptance or rejection. Hoping you all get some good news today! 
  18. Like
    annaconda reacted to eatyoveggies in MFA 2022 Freak Out Forum   
    Just wanted to point out- if you get an interview/ acceptance / rejection/ WL notification then you should post it on the results part of the website. Heres the link to submit https://www.thegradcafe.com/survey/post.php . You don't need an account to post!
    Especially if you don't have an account and are just looking on this thread for updates, bc then we can see your updates too!!
    And future applicants can easily search there without spending hours scrolling through every post on these threads for hours?
  19. Like
    annaconda reacted to cirrostratusphere in MFA 2022 Freak Out Forum   
    I feel like I'm going crazy checking my email every five minutes, so I figured I'd update here.
    Rejected: Rutgers (are they ever gonna send out an official email? Shame on them)
    Interviews: SAIC (ultra nice faculty and great feedback, left feeling really positive), MICA (coming up this weekend)
    Accepted: UNM (with a preview of really exciting deal)
    Waiting: UW, VCU, UTK, RISD
    I figure I probably didn't get into UW, VCU, or RISD considering so many other folks have received interviews. Really crossing my fingers that I hear some news soon.
    Big digital hug to everyone going through this process. It's no joke.
  20. Like
    annaconda reacted to Slowly in MFA 2022 Freak Out Forum   
    Hi friends, I took a break from this place to save my poor noodle from being fried lol. But I just wanted to check back in and say that I got emailed by one of the faculty with an unofficial notice of acceptance into RISD Illustration! (Official notices go out in March). I'm so happy, especially because I considered this one a "reach" school! ? I'll also hear on funding in March, too.
    quick timeline:
    application deadline - Jan 10th
    invited to interview - Jan 22nd
    interview - Jan 27th
    unofficial acceptance - today
    (if it matters, I'm an international applicant)
    As I've mentioned before, Illustration is their newest program, so I wouldn't advise using this as a basis if you applied to their more established programs like Painting, Digital Media, etc. Just putting this out there for any potential Illus lurkers, and for comparison in general.
    Other school I applied to is SUNY FIT, which I haven't heard a peep from.
    Also saw a lot of people I've interacted with on here posting their own interview/acceptance notices -- so very happy for you! Here's to even more good news in the future for us all!
  21. Like
    annaconda reacted to Frank14 in MFA 2022 Freak Out Forum   
    Just got an an interview invite email from Colorado State at 9:30pm ? I don't remember seeing anyone else applying here but I thought I would post about it!!! 
    I've interviewed with MICA and haven't heard back yet, and haven't heard anything at all from the other programs (VCU, UCI, U Montana, or SFSU). 
  22. Like
    annaconda reacted to recyclable in MFA 2022 Freak Out Forum   
    Just got U of Buffalo’s interview request! 
  23. Like
    annaconda got a reaction from AncientQuail in MFA 2022 Freak Out Forum   

  24. Like
    annaconda reacted to tomatoriot in MFA 2022 Freak Out Forum   
    ME TOO. Congrats!!! I’m freaking out. 
  25. Like
    annaconda reacted to Forms Without Formula in MFA 2022 Freak Out Forum   
    Hunter interviews will probably go out next week based on past forums but the closer it gets the harder it is to wait!! Just woke up from a dream that I received the interview request email but then it wasn't actually, just a promotional email, can't even catch a break when I'm unconscious!!
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