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Everything posted by LizRAE

  1. Indiana University and Ohio University for Ceramics (definitely different programs than I see others on this board applying to, so I feel like that's a contributing factor to the decision timelines being different). It's known in ceramics that schools like to reach out around NCECA (big clay conference) and that's happening next week, so I am thinking if I do not hear by March 15th (2 months since I applied), then I am going to email. I worry that I'll be seen as pestering them but I could also see it as 'taking initiative'. I don't even know anymore LOL Where/What are you applying to?
  2. I am thinking about reaching out to the schools I've applied to in hopes to get a timeline for their decisions. I am a little nervous to ask them because I don't want to be pushy but I also want to try and get some kind of idea where I'll be at in the next couple months because of residency applications and leases. Any advice about sending an email or should I just learn some SERIOUS patience and wait? Haven't even heard about interviews and it's almost been 2 months, only 3 people get in a year.... Last year when I applied and got rejected (different program) I heard back in 3 weeks, so no news is good news right now I guess??
  3. Anyone apply to Ohio University? LOL I feel nosy asking but I'm curious to find out, applying for an MFA a couple years out of undergrad has been a lonely process, I miss talking about programs with others in the same boat!
  4. Ceramics!! I hope we hear good news soon!
  5. Which program at Indiana did you apply for?
  6. Just a general question, if applications were due by the 15th of January, when do you think they would start to reach out?
  7. Congrats on VCU! I am waiting to hear from Indiana and OU. Fingers crossed, this is my 2nd year applying
  8. Any ceramicists in this forum applying this year?
  9. Anyone still active on this forum? I just found it. This is my 2nd year applying for an MFA , ceramics in particular. I am going a little bonkers and it hasn't even been a month since I sent my first application in. I know I will be waiting around for a while (hopefully, no news is good news right?). But if I turned it in 01/15th, do you all think maybe they will have some decisions by the end of Feb? Why does this process feeling so agonizing? I am constantly questioning every detail of my application, my work, and my own self worth. Anyone else out there feeling the same?
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