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Everything posted by DawkT

  1. I wanted to deliver some hope to the ones of you still in the dark. In the past 18 hours I have been contacted by 3 schools. 1 acceptance flat-out, 1 acceptance off of waitlist, and 1 interview that inferred I was the only one being interviewed. These 3 schools are on the smaller spectrum but I’m sure their timelines are around the same as everyone else! They all had to get their funding in order before making decisions
  2. On the resolution website it is state: ”if a student accepts an offer before April 15 and subsequently desires to withdraw that acceptance, the student may submit a written resignation of the appointment at any time through April 15. Applicants are not required to obtain a formal release from the program whose offer they accepted, either before or after the April 15 deadline. Once applicants have informed the program that they are withdrawing their acceptance of the offer, they then can accept any other offers.” So, I would say that if the school is performing such a shady practice, then they should expect some of their students to withdraw on a later date. I don’t think you should worry because the resolution has a loophole that is fair to you, as the student, in this situation.
  3. I was wondering if anyone had experience with retracting acceptance from a program so that they could attend a different one. Possibly because they received a late waitlist acceptance. If anyone knows of any rules regarding that, I think it would serve as a great conversation!
  4. I sent an email to the professor at a program that rejected me, in their decision letter it stated to reach out to the program-head if I had any questions about the decision. I asked what I could improve upon and what kind of students they were looking for. No response, so I sent a follow up email 7 days later asking if I should message someone else. They replied stating that it isn’t in their practice to give feedback to students who were rejected, partly due to all of the other responsibilities they have in the spring semester. They gave me their best wishes but unfortunately no feedback, darn.
  5. Luckily they offer full tuition waivers and GA positions with a generous stipend to most (if not all) their MFA students!
  6. I have not heard back from them, usually the MFA program coordinator is the one to reach out to students with the decisions and since some departments have not conducted their interviews yet, I assume everyone is still in the dark. In terms of personal results, I feel like I was not prepared for some questions which caused me to stutter and question myself a bit. It was a hard interview for me, but I am prepared for whatever decision that they make.
  7. I think the work quality is decent, with such small cohorts the sample size is small so I feel like the competitiveness is severely lacking.
  8. This morning I got a rejection letter through email from my #1 school, UNL, super bummed. Then later, I got a phone call at work today that came up as "Scam Likely," I picked it up because I've been so anxious to hear from a grad school and it was a call from Boise State telling me I was accepted! What a happy little coincidence. Answer all of your spam calls! On another note to those who are accepted, school are notorious for pressuring potential grad students into accepting soon, typically within a week. You are not obligated to make a decision until April 15th. I would do all communicating through email so that you have a paper trail.
  9. Congrats! I had an interview with Notre Dame for photography on 2/16 and it went okay-ish. If the same questions are used department wide, they will ask: introduce yourself and tell us about who you are, can you explain the work you make and why you make it, are you comfortable in a research based environment, how do you think your work will change or will it stay the same, who are your inspirations. They notified me that every medium only accepts 1 student and the program is extremely research-based. So good luck!!
  10. I interviewed with Notre Dame, still crickets from 6 other schools including UArk
  11. I just found this forum today and read all of the posts seeking information on the programs I applied to, it seems that I am freaking out alongside a lot of y'all. I am proud to see so many of you swinging for the prestigious schools! I applied to 7 schools for photo, which unfortunately appears to be somewhat vast in this forum but hey, that's alright! This is my 2nd time going through the process; my first time was during my senior year in 2020. My professors at the time advised me that there are plenty of programs that immediately decline students straight out of their undergrad, I was stubborn and still got into 2/6 schools, which brought immense joy. They had reached out to me to interview and accepted within the first 2 weeks of February. I ended up declining both offers due to the rising of covid and other personal matters. To provide some HOPE to waitlisters, I declined my offers in early April, which I'm sure opened up some much needed windows to those still waiting. This year, I applied to 7 schools and I feel like my anxiety is through the roof because I haven't been accepted to any yet. Since I am photo-based, the schools I chose were based off of location, so most of them are small, but their faculty/funding were priorities for me as well. Here is my list: UArk UNL Notre Dame - Interview on 2/16 Utah State University Boise Washington State University Central Washington University If anyone else applied to these programs then I would love to hear from you! Feeling alone in this sucks
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