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Everything posted by sPeLLeFaCdArG

  1. Dear 2022-23 thread, The Tuesday/Friday pattern is no more. Please apply your anxieties toward new speculations concerning the inner workings of the NSF. Cheers, -the 2021-22 thread Here is one *provocative* theory for your consideration:
  2. Don’t worry, I’ll update my data set once it’s official <:)
  3. What if this maintenance period is just to put the 2021 results back up lmao
  4. bUt wHaT aBoUt ThE tUeSdAy FRiDaY pAtTeRn...!!
  5. Not sure about you, but whenever I have 160 emails to send out, I make sure to stagger them over a 50 hour period.
  6. I think the timing of the maintenance announcement has been erratic in previous years so it's hard to say. They might still announce maintenance tomorrow morning for tomorrow night to release results early Friday morning.
  7. Must be “letters” in the mail ?
  8. lmao how about now?
  9. Look, I know I said 6 pages, but after gathering the critical data, it might need to be more like 10 or 20 for them to release the results April 1 ?
  10. The earliest April
  11. My theory is that they wait until the nsf GRFP grad cafe thread is at least 6 pages long before they will release the results.
  12. Last cycle I applied (life sciences), one of my reviewers said I needed to better integrate my broader impacts across both documents because my previous submission had two essentially independent broader impacts sections. This cycle, the sections are much more complementary and cohesive. We’ll see what “reviewer 3” thinks this year ?
  13. In previous years they sent emails for each stage of the review process. This year, it seems you are still in the running of your application status says “2nd round DoD review panel”
  14. The exact day varies year to year, someone posted the table summarizing previous years. The announcement will look something like this on GRFP fastlane: And I think they usually post the results early in the morning before emails go out later in the morning. If you are not incessantly reloading the page, you could just follow this thread and I imagine someone will post here when the announcement goes up.
  15. Yes the increasing applicants for limited fellowships seems to be the case but I doubt there is a lack of funding for the agencies. Outside of DoD, science funding looks like it’s improving so maybe we should focus our efforts on fellowships with higher funding rates such as NSF, DoE, NIH, etc.
  16. 30% is still a long way to go if they’re funding at 2% again this year. I wonder why it was so low compared to the typical ~6% rate.
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