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Everything posted by JournGrad2022

  1. I interviewed March 16. Unfortunately, I'm not sure what the percentage is for those who are accepted after interviewing.
  2. Also just got the call! Accepted!
  3. Thanks for the heads up! My admissions portal hasn't been updated yet, not sure if that means rejection or if they're doing the decisions in waves.
  4. I'm still waiting on Berkeley and NYU. Got into Columbia, but I just can't reason spending so much since I only got some aid.
  5. Just heard back from Boston University. Accepted with a decent scholarship, but still pretty expensive, so considering my other options!
  6. They unfortunately didn't give any specifics, but they did say I would hear back from them "very soon." Sounded like they were trying to move through the last of the interviews pretty quickly!
  7. Yup, applied on March 6 and just heard back yesterday about interview. I'm sorry for the long wait all of y'all have had! It's strange, because even though CUNY also extended their deadline to March, I still received a response about my application (which I turned in in December) in February. Not sure if there are other factors at play here with Berkeley.
  8. Hey, I think the extended deadline is also playing a part? I applied with the extended deadline on March 6 and was scheduled very quickly for an interview today. Seems like they are trying to get interviews done from extended deadline applications and maybe will send out decisions next week? Not totally sure.
  9. Was just accepted into Columbia's M.S. program! Congrats to all who got in! Also haven't received info on funding, but I've heard they send that info out a couple days after decisons are out
  10. @NYCGrad19, @GSJ Maybe we will hear back tomorrow then?
  11. @GSJ Looks like Columbia's funding packages come out shortly after acceptances are sent out. I would expect a few days to a week afterwards.
  12. @NYCGrad19 Hi! I applied to Columbia but not for any specialized program, and I haven't heard anything from them since taking my writing exam. I applied for NYU as well but for the Lit Reportage program (also have not heard anything from them) ? From looking at last year's thread, it seems like Columbia and NYU send out decisions around March 15th-ish. I expect we will hear back from them next week, and if not, the week after. Not sure if anyone else has any insight on this! I'm only speaking from what I've seen in older threads.
  13. @GradCat2022 I had a similar experience with BU where a professor was interested in my journalistic interests (he has done work on the same topic). We had an informal Zoom chat last weekend, but I also haven't seen anything about admissions. I hope your informal interview with that BU alum/professor goes well!
  14. I've been looking at this forum a bit and decided to actually post something to compare. I've applied for journalism programs at University of Oregon, University of Missouri, NYU (Literary Reportage), Columbia, CUNY (Engagement Journalism), and Temple, and am applying to Berkeley this weekend with the newly extended deadline. So far, I've been accepted to U of O, Missouri, CUNY (offered full ride!), and Temple. I spoke to a professor at BU but haven't heard anything about being admitted. Does anyone know if they send out admissions around this time, or do you think they'll send out around the same time as Columbia and NYU (mid-March)? Nice to meet you all!
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