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Posts posted by omega

  1. I am having troubles in writing long-term career goals in SOP. I want to apply M.S and get funding, because i like doing research and i do believe that i have such background. But in the other end, i am not sure about what i am going to do in the future, i may go for a Phd or I may just go to work. It does not sound like true if i only mentions i like doing research and i have a strong possibility of Phd ...?? because i could not convince myself and moreever, i just want to do what i like in research and have some fun, and with funding. If i mention both possibility ( phd or industry) in my SOP, will that sound too uncertain about my purpose of study, thus recuding the chance of get admission ?

  2. Hi,

    I have a good chance of getting into Civil engineering program in Berkeley and MIT. I am currently an undergraduate. I loving doing research and may have papers published this year. I am just not sure if I really want a PhD or not. I am now in a dilemma about if i should go for PhD or go to Industry after I graduate from Master Degree. Berkeley and MIT both offer M.Eng, but M.Eng is less research-based, more project-oriented. I guess what I really like to do is the creative part in research, but this can be used everywhere in industry. What if I changed my mind to work after I graduate. Anyone knows M.S from Berkeley and MIT will get a nice job offer ? :( or goint for a M.Eng will be a nice choice ? One more question, if i decide to apply M.S, The research project that i am doing in undergraduate level will not continue in my graduate school, how can I point out what my areas of interest are in SOP if I was not exposed to those new areas before ? I guess funding is not a big issue for me here.

    Thanks for any input.


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