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About ladydobz

  • Birthday January 6

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  • Interests
    History, Anthropology Dance, Music, Cultures, Spending time with my husband and kids
  • Application Season
    Not Applicable
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  1. I know it's a bit early, but most programs open in the fall. So, where is everyone applying, and what are they specializing in?
  2. Okay, so, I met with the professor this afternoon, and she confirmed that forensic anthropology programs are extremely competitive, and may be hard to get into. She said I absolutely could look at biological programs with a forensic anthropologist on faculty, but suggested that before I apply, I should reach out, and find out who past students were and reach out to them to make sure that their teaching style/mentorship is compatible. Hope this helps others too!
  3. Well, if anyone else has questions like this, I reached out to a forensic anthropologist at one of the schools with a biological anthropology program. She and I are going to set up a meeting for next week to discuss this. I'll add her insights after we meet.
  4. Hey guys, I'm a former history major, who also minored in Anthropology my first time in school. I'm going back to school to get a BA or BS in Anthropology, and then I'm going to get an MA or an MS as well. I'd like to go for a PhD. I want to focus on forensic/biological anthropology, since human osteology is what really fascinates me. However, I know that forensic programs are EXTREMELY competitive since there are so few of them. My question is, do you think I could also look at schools who have forensic anthropologists as part of the faculty, and then later focus on getting accredited by the ABFA? I know going for any PhDs right now are hard to get into, and I just want to be able to figure out what I can focus on. Thank you in advance!
  5. (that was me when I was having account issues) I am not currently in a Masters program, but have just gone back to school at UArk for a post-bac BA in Spanish. How about you?
  6. Bonne chance!
  7. Well, I'm out for this season. Congrats to all the admits, and I'll be trying again next season!
  8. Has anyone else heard from UIUC? I only saw the first two acceptances and one WL...
  9. Congratulations!!!!!!!!
  10. Thank you, and congratulations!!!!
  11. I'm so sorry. Hopefully you hear back favorably from other schools.
  12. Okay, that's an AWESOME subfield! I wish you all the luck in getting in! ?
  13. I've seen two people say they're wait listed at Purdue. Are you on the WL at UIUC? What's your subfield (if you don't mind sharing)?
  14. I'm in the same boat with Illinois and Purdue. No indication of anything.
  15. So, I was talking to one of my professors tonight about this. She is a Purdue grad, and she has been through this whole process (and not too long ago- she graduated in 2021). She said if you have not gotten a rejection yet, that's not necessarily a bad thing. It means you were not given the desk rejection, and you could either be on a waitlist, headed for a waitlist, or they're trying to secure funding for more positions, etc. This waiting is killing me too, as now I've found out that that's where I sit with TWO of my schools, and I got the desk rejection from my third. Hang in there.
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