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Everything posted by JeroldJJ

  1. Where did you finally go?
  2. Hi @biostat_student4,I think it's the admission committee. However, the email was from someone in the CS department(maybe the coordinator?) asking to sign up a time for the interview with stat committee. I didn't mention any faculty members in my SoP or the interest in biostatistics.
  3. Got the Rice Stat interview invite too
  4. Undergrad Institutions: Top30 US.News Majors: Math and Statistics (double major) GPA: 3.89/4.00 Type of Student: international asian male GRE General Test: 169 Q / 157 V / 3.5 W Grad Institution: None Research Experience: 1. one project about application of Markov Decision Process on healthcare. No publication 2. MCMC optimization project intersected with physics. No publication 3. Supply chain simulation( this is more like an on-campus job) Awards/Honors/Recognitions: None Letters of Recommendation: Three research mentors from above projects and some class instructors Relevant Classes: Math: Calculus III, Differential Equations, Linear Algebra, Discrete Mathematics, Probability, Linear Algebra, Advanced Calculus I, Function of a Complex Variable, Abstract Algebra, Mathematical Statistics, Stochastic Processes, Time Series, Dynamic Decision Making, Simulation, Machine Learning(A-), Optimization, Special Topics(B+). Programs Applying: PhD OR: ORIE@Cornell IOE@UMich STATS: Stats@Columbia, Stats@UPenn, Stats@NCSU, STOR@UNC, Stats@UWM, Stats@PSU, Stats@Purdue, Stats@UIUC, Stats@UF, Stats@UTAustin, AMS@JHU, Stats@Connecticut, Stats@VirginiaTech, ACMS@Notre Dame BIOS: Bios@UNC, Bios@UCLA, Bios@Duke, Bios@BU, Bios@UCSD MS Bios@Havard, Stats@Chicago, Stats@Duke, Bios@Yale I am not sure if my list is reasonable. I don't want to get all rejected. Any suggestions will be appreciated!
  5. Hi all! I want to apply for PhD in statistics/biostatistics in 2023fall and would like to have some advice about school list. Thanks a lot in advance! Undergrad: Top 30 undergrad (US News) Major(s): Statistics & Mathematics GPA: 3.899 (for now) Background: International Male Asian Courses taken (A unless stated otherwise): Undergrad class: Calculus III(A), Linear Algebra(A), ODE(A), Advanced Calculus I(A), Function of a Complex Variable(A), Abstract Algebra(A), Stochastic Process(A), Probability(A)(not measure based), Regression Analysis(A), Machine Learning(A-), Math Stats(A), Time Series Analysis(A), Advanced Data Analysis Methods(A)(covered GLM, Bayes, etc), Linear Programming(A), Dynamic Decision Making(A), Simulation(A), Special Topics: Optimization for ML and NN(B+), Courses planned: Undergrad class: topology, numerical analysis, Deep Learning Grad class: real analysis(covers Measure theory) GRE: V157+Q169+W3.5 Programs Applying: Statistics and biostat Research Experience: One year of experience doing Markov Decision Process on disease detection with a professor in stats department. Not sure about the result because the direction we choose seems to be very hard to deal with given limited data/information. I've been working hard on this project. Hopefully my supervisor would like to write me a good letter. One stochastic optimization project I took over from other students. My part is basically writing MCMC algorithm to optimize the configuration of the electronic scatterers on a solar panel. (Probably another time series project with a professor in stats department next semester) Other Experience: Working as a student assistant for a professor from business school. Doing supply chain simulation using Arena and Python. Letters of Recommendation: Probably 2 or 3 from research mentors( haven't talked to professors about this), and some instructors from classes I did well. Intended Schools(just some I'm thinking about right now): Not sure about the school list so far. My priority is PhD in stats/biostats. One of my mentors said he knows colleagues in ORIE Cornell and IEOR Columbia. So probably gonna keep these two on my list. high reaches: stats@UNC, biostats@UNC, biostats@Umich, stats@UW, stats@NCSU, stats@cornell, biostats@vandy, stats@penn state, stats@ohio state, Biostats@Rochester. These are programs in my mind so far( my friends got into some of them). I don't mind adding more programs to my list to make me safe. Thanks a lot again!
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