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  1. If you are worried about getting a W on your transcript you can apply for the two month extension up to three times which would give you an additional 6 months to finish the course.
  2. I got waitlisted at Western and haven't heard back from the UofT either.
  3. Well that's a bummer, I wonder why they changed it?
  4. Yes, that's correct they do not disclose waitlist position but, you can inquire about whether you are in the top or bottom of the waitlist from what I remember last year.
  5. It came in an email from mscslp@ualberta.ca, which I think Vicki manages but it is signed by the coordinator of graduate admission.
  6. In order to get a mark-sheet with your transcripts you have to get an official transcript from the registrar. If you go to the request transcripts tab there will be a form you can fill out to get your official transcript. Fill it out and then send it to acrec@athabasca.ca. They will process it and then send you your transcript with the mark-sheet in about a weeks time.
  7. I also just received my acceptance letter from the UofA!! I was shocked when I saw it in my inbox because I convinced myself it wasn't going to be released until next week!! So I am so excited the the UofA is my top choice!
  8. I remember last year people with 3.5 sGPAs were accepted to Western, granted they had really well rounded applications. I think Western takes a holistic approach to evaluating thier applicants, as they have rejected people with really high sGPAs, in favour of people with lower sGPAs with good SOPs, experince, and references. It's hard but try not to stress. What happens now is out of your control. Trust in your hard work and know that if it doesn't work out this go you can always try again!
  9. I don't think the UofAlberta has sent out any offers yet. I think the person that posted that they go into the UofA was referring to the University of Arizona, because many US school sent out their decisions on Mar. 7th & 8th. As for Dal they have been for the last few years very sporadic and random in how they send out their acceptances. Any school that goes through ORPAS for their applications releases their decisions (accepted, rejected, waitlisted) all on the same day, usually the first Monday of April, which this year is April 3rd. So that includes Western, UofT, and McMasters (if you received an interview).
  10. I haven't applied to Dal myself, but if I remember correctly from last year acceptances and waitlist were sent out over a couple of days.
  11. It varies from year to year. A few years ago it was as early as March 9th, but the past two years they sent out acceptances and waitlists in the last week of March anywhere between the 23rd to the 27th. Rejections were typically sent out a week later.
  12. So the reason the last one says average is because if they can only take one or a few courses from a semester to complete your last 10 full credits they will average the entire semester instead of picking out just one course. So for example if you had taken 3 courses in a semester and one was a 3.3., the other was a 3.7 and another was a 3.9 instead of picking out one they add them all together and divide by 3, which gives you a 3.6 GPA with a weight of 3.00 credits for the last needed course(s).
  13. All the documents in your application are locked now, so you won't be able to change it yourself, but you can email Vicki your updated transcripts and she should be able to attach it to your file from her end.
  14. Sounds like you have a good plan in place. Best of Luck!
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