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Everything posted by dotty

  1. Has anyone heard from Georgetown IPN? interview or rejection?
  2. I won't say that the sheet doesn't contain misinformation (its crowdsourced so literally no way of knowing) But I will say that Columbia DID send out invites in fact. I got one earlier this week (neurobiology and behavior program)
  3. Just got an interview invite for Mt. Sinai (neuroscience program)!! yahooo:P
  4. Oh word! Thanks for the response. Did a PI call you to tell you you're invited or was it the admission committee folk?
  5. Congrats!!! Was this for the neurobiology program?? If so may i ask when the interview dates are?
  6. May i ask what the interview dates are? I didnt get invited ? but if by grace of god they do another round of invites, i'd like to make sure I dont block their weekends...
  7. I have this tab but every sub-tab says "TBA" Wondering what this means. trying to not get my hopes up
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