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Everything posted by MajorTom10

  1. Also! Big news for 2024 for U of A! They’re opening a 15 seat satellite cohort at the U of A Augustana campus. So if you’re willing to live in Camrose (about an hour south of Edmonton), there is another option! Also still offering specific Saskatchewan spots, so the cohort is much bigger overall! feel free to look at the U of A website, under the masters program and then ‘admissions’. My link is getting my comments blocked
  2. Also! Big news for 2024 for U of A! They’re opening a 15 seat satellite cohort at the U of A Augustana campus. So if you’re willing to live in Camrose (about an hour south of Edmonton), there is another option! Also still offering specific Saskatchewan spots, so the cohort is much bigger overall! https://www.ualberta.ca/communications-sciences-and-disorders/programs/msc-in-speech-language-pathology/admissions/index.html
  3. Hi guys! I'm attending University of Alberta this year! I'm willing to help out with any questions anyone might have! I highly recommend you consider attending the OASIS virtual conference, where there's always a section on the application process. I found it super helpful! I got in on the first time applying with 3.89 GPA in my undergrad in Speech and Hearing Sciences (I also have a certificate in Special Education) 4th quartile CASPER Recommendation letters from Head of my department, a professor of a class, and my boss. Resume done by SLPResume, who I highly recommend. I come with no research background but a passion for adult neurological communication, a capstone project in aphasia, 25 observation hours. I worked for a software company so this is a change of career for me. If anyone has questions about the U of A process, I'll still be checking this site every once and a while, or you can private message me since I'll get an email about it. Good luck!
  4. u of A has a WhatsApp, if you want to join, let me know and I’ll add you (now that I know how to lol). Send me a message!
  5. Congrats everyone for all of your acceptances and wait lists at all of the schools!
  6. The portal won't update until the acceptance has been sent from the department to FGSR. It can take a bit for that, if you're missing documents/conditions you have to meet before. So it should happen with enough time to let them know of your acceptance by the 17th. I just spoke to Vicki about some other stuff and that's what she told me.
  7. I have to include a marksheet to Vicki, but I can't seem to find one for Athabasca. Does anyone know happen to have a copy of it, or know where I can find one/who I should reach out to for it?
  8. I’m from Alberta, but went to undergrad in the US.
  9. I also received my acceptance from U of A!!! I’m so excited.
  10. My anxiety liked it better when I didn't know that I could hear next week! 😵 I saw in older threads they send an email that says there's a message in your portal. I was worried about missing a call, so I wanted to share that with others!
  11. Weird mine definitely says end of May, but yes same spot. ohhhh the April date is further down! I wonder if they just didn’t change one of them from last year. either way, I’m going with the ‘I’ll hear by May’ so I don’t refresh my email too often
  12. The U of A site says "The department plans to email all applicants their results by the end of May, 2023. Thank you for your patience during this time." So I'm pretty sure that the other person was talking about the University of Arizona. US schools are much earlier. Basically, I've prepared not to hear anything till May from U of Alberta, otherwise I might go crazy ha
  13. I was able to update mine with U of A by emailing Vickie with the new version of my pre req document and my transcript and she updated it on the back end!
  14. I just finished one of my pre req courses for U of A that was in progress when I submitted. Does anyone know if I can update my transcripts/pre req page still?
  15. My CASPER score was listed as ‘sent to school’ within days of me taking it. It just took three weeks for it be released to me. I don’t know how that impacts the timeline but I suspect if they have those dates specifically than you should be fine
  16. Ohhhhh ok. ? I guess just the stress of being unable to change my application anymore scared me haha. Thank you!
  17. Does anyone know what the fourth department check is? I’m just now seeing it. I’ve got my resume, my statement of interest and my pre reqs list. am I missing something?
  18. What marking sheet are you talking about? The prerequisites one? You’ve made me nervous I’ve missed soemthibg
  19. I had the same question, they mean March 2020-May 2020! They call their "Spring" term "winter", so they mean the start of the year. They have three sessions, Fall, Winter and Spring. So they're taking your grades from whatever the semester is January 2020-May 2020 if they count in your last 60, but wont count them against your GPA
  20. This seems insane to me wow! A cohort of all 4.0 is mind blowing. Also why is Dal 3 years? Is it cause they don’t require pre reqs?
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