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Everything posted by belizaparker

  1. i got a birthday email from them, too, but mine is in november so it didn't have the sting it does for you. i will say, no other university has sent me a birthday email, even the ones i actually attended lol. happy birthday, though!! hope it's been a good one!
  2. nevermind my post from yesterday, just got my rejection from florida state 😕
  3. has anyone here or on draft heard anything from florida state? it's been absolute radio silence so far, and by this time last year i had already gotten a rejection from them
  4. same!! i was rejected from there last year, and this is the first good news i've gotten, so i'm so relieved and excited!! maybe if fate allows we'll both end up in the same cohort!! also, i asked if the waitlist is ranked and i was told it is and that they usually let in a few people from the waitlist every year, so i think our chances could be pretty good!!
  5. same 😕 that's 5/8 for me, all rejections. i applied last cycle and had very similar results so i'm hoping my last three schools will have better news for me
  6. just got my rejection from south carolina. i knew it was coming since everyone posted about their waitlist emails yesterday but it still stings a bit. hopefully something works out in my favor soon
  7. thanks for the reassurance, as you can tell i'm not handling the waiting period very well at the moment. trying to keep my head up
  8. hi, huge overthinker here. on the off chance i get a call from iowa or someone else who calls their admits, how bad is it if i miss the initial call? i work in the mornings and don't get a chance to check my phone until i clock out. i'm sure they understand if i don't answer right away, but my brain tells me that if i miss the call they'll change their minds about me lol
  9. i didn't think so, either. i applied because i'm from alabama and tuscaloosa is two hours away from where i live, and i thought it would be a safer option in general. i'm surprised decisions came out this early, too. i have a friend who's there right now for undergrad who also applied for the mfa, and she'd heard that decisions wouldn't come out until march. she was rejected too, unfortunately
  10. seems like everyone in the thread so far was rejected from ua, including yours truly ?
  11. to everyone who moved on to phase 2 at utk, i'm assuming you received an email from them about it? i've been checking all my inboxes obsessively since i submitted my application and haven't received anything, so i imagine i didn't make it through. congrats for everyone who did, though! i saw that they're being super selective this year, so i wish you all the best of luck!
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