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  1. yes! i accepted a more generous grant from a nonprofit
  2. I had to decline the grant so if there is a waitlist there might still be some hope for someone in 4b!
  3. they don't accept submissions that are even one minute late for any reason whatsoever, i guess that only applies to us 😅
  4. Oh really?! Interesting.. I was under the impression teaching experience was one of the main things they would look for in a candidate
  5. It says results out in February, the wait should be over soon!
  6. I found this : https://academicjobs.fandom.com/wiki/SSHRC_2021-2022 https://academicjobs.fandom.com/wiki/SSHRC_2020-2021
  7. Hello everyone! First time applying, not super confident. We will see!
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