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Everything posted by wrappedupinclouds

  1. This happened to me also. I know that the graduate admissions committee was meeting today. Hoping it at least means making the waitlist?
  2. If you read the department's annual report, there's a bit in there somewhere from the DGS which talks about changing the admissions process: https://english.princeton.edu/news/english-publishes-2022-23-annual-report
  3. It depends on the program. As you say, if you don't get an interview with Princeton, then, unfortunately, you won't be getting an offer. But other programs don't do interviews. The trouble is that sometimes programs change their admissions process. For example, Princeton only started doing interviews last year. We just have to sit tight and endure the excruciating wait. Good luck!
  4. Did you get an interview floopwoop?
  5. anyone heard anything from berkeley or ucla?
  6. I also got punk'd by the berkeley email
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