@sugarplz @ohnoherewegoagain @michigan girl I really appreciate your insight and encouragement to chill. The funding that I received is a 5-year no-service fellowship from the university, in addition to my department assistantship. I guess I feel a little guilty not accepting right away, in case they have students on a waitlist for the fellowship. But I am going to pause on decision-making and continue meeting with a few people from the university.
Thank you again for helping me and others navigate a murky process. I'm not sure that I have much to reciprocate, but I wish you luck!
At this point, can I assume if I haven't heard back from UMass Amherst or BU, that I've been rejected? Part of me would simply like to accept the offer that I have so that the university can move forward and I can start planning. I don't want the folx that are waitlisted for the fellowship that I was offered to wait in limbo for longer than they have to.
Cautions against my eagerness?
We are living parallel lives! I am also committed to staying in this area, returning to applications (after 2020), have one acceptance (UConn), and am waiting for news from BU and UMass. ?
Congratulations on the BC acceptance! And I'll keep my fingers crossed for you! This all felt like a long shot with finding an excellent department fit within a geographic limitation, so we are both doing great.
Ah! Here we go. I've just figured out how to 'reply'. See... probably not the person to give information
I am entirely unsure about their final decisions. I wasn't expecting to hear back so soon. The Director did mention coordinating a campus visit for all accepted students, once they completed their process. He said in the meantime I could reach out with questions, which seems to indicate that they are still making selections.
Congratulations to you too!
And I am entirely unsure about their final decisions. I wasn't expecting to hear back so soon. The Director did mention coordinating a campus visit for all accepted students, once they completed their process. He said in the meantime I could reach out with questions, which seems to indicate that they are still making selections.