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  1. the irony of applying to 13 schools and being accepted into the only one that doesn't require an app fee $$$ honestly shout out to U of SC for that though (and something to consider if you're applying next year)! we love accessibility, but damn if only I'd known haha
  2. yes huge fan!! saw them twice last year in queens & philly, transcended both times. i even have a little tooth tattoo on my wrist. that's so sick you snagged one of those guitars, what a special gift!!
  3. gah I know! if you are also looking at the UW Seattle one, apparently they sent this email to some people who have asked about timeline: “We have had a very large and competitive pool of applicants for this year's admissions cycle, so our review process is taking a little bit longer than usual. We hope to convey admissions decisions in the next week or so, but at the very latest, we will convey them by April 1st. We appreciate your patience and understanding.” so it sounds like they could be rolling out for a while!
  4. do we think it's safe to assume that if one acceptance has gone out over email, they've all gone out? with phone calls there can still be some waiting, but I can't imagine they send each email individually
  5. do we think NWP notifications went out on the same day as Michener? apparently last year they did, but haven't seen any NWP movement on here or Draft.....both of my UT portals still say In Review gah
  6. not sure if you have applied to any, but maybe you would be a good fit for a low-residency MFA program? that way you can take classes at home and your options aren't limited geographically, but you'd still get the experience of some in-person workshops. if you're in the Draft FB group, I believe there was a thread a few days ago with low res programs still accepting apps
  7. I'm always skeptical when there's a result posted only in the Results board here, and not mentioned anywhere else (this forum, Draft, the draft spreadsheet). If someone is going out of their way to post there, I'd imagine they are involved in these other communities as well and would want to share the update more directly! Always a little skeptical until there appears to be more movement/updates. Taking it all with a fat pinch of salt edit re: NYU -- I did just see that this is in fact in the draft spreadsheet, oops! (I was thinking selfishly about the single UMich update on the results board since I'm waiting to hear back from them) I still agree with your point!
  8. there was an acceptance in Draft (the FB group not the spreadsheet) a couple weeks ago
  9. omg congrats!!! I had the same convo with my bf last night -- what genre did you apply in?? UW Madison is one of my top choices
  10. holy shit I just received notice of my acceptance to the University of South Carolina (fiction) !!!! and I'm waitlisted at U of Minnesota oh my god???
  11. when you're in a deep place of self-doubt about the quality of your writing, anxiously awaiting program notifications, maybe picking up a James Baldwin book actually isn't the move lol. had to put that shit down for a sec and reevaluate my entire life (but tbf, his writing does that to me all the time, regardless of circumstance). anyway does anyone have fun, distracting book recommendations? I just read Dune and reread the Hunger Games series (lol) and enjoyed the escapism, so maybe I need a little more speculative fiction in my life rn
  12. honestly not coping well at all!! it definitely doesn't help that I really hate my job, which requires talking to clients all day, and I am so ready to quit. it's this combination of waiting for news that will take me away from this job while also hating the job itself more and more with each passing day, unable to focus during work because I just keep refreshing my email -- a lethal combo that leaves me completely drained, emotional, and anxious at the end of every day! (and that's not even taking into account the actual creative hopes and desires about getting into a program) it's my second time applying and the wait is even harder this year. you are not alone!!
  13. it's on the results board on grad cafe, if you search Minnesota there it should come up. just checked my portal and there's no update, though someone in draft got accepted last Friday so I'm kind of assuming any news from MN going forward will be a rejection (edit: or waitlist!!!)
  14. I heard back from Vanderbilt (waitlist) on 02/12 last year and I think acceptances went out the day before
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