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Decaf (2/10)



  1. Hey! Maintain hope, I have faith in you! I’m not too sure how they calculate averages so I can’t specifically speak to that. However, my experiences I highlighted were my roles as a teaching assistant at my university in the departments of chemistry, biology and forensic science. As well as my experience working as a laboratory assistant in the environmental department for Public Health Ontario. My experience also includes working as a medical assistant for a pain physician and a service coordinator for a community healthcare agency. Lastly, I spoke about some of the courses I took during my undergraduate study that are more relevant to the field of public health: biomedical ethics, epidemiology, immunology, health economics, critical nutrition, methods of biological inquiry, and my mandatory indigenous course. In all honesty, I applied to this program on a whim and found it a few weeks before the due date. I had applied to two other programs that are unrelated to public health, but as soon as I found this program, I was set on applying and aiming to get in to pursue it. I am hoping for you, I did see some individuals who were likely declining their Brock offer if they got accepted to a more desirable program for them. So, fingers crossed for you! Hope this helps
  2. I just got one too! No email, just portal. Congrats to you & everyone else!
  3. Hello Everyone, congratulations to those of you who have already received acceptances, your hard work has paid off! I have only applied to Brock as I applied to a public health masters program on a whim. Has anyone received acceptance from Brock for their MPH program?
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