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Everything posted by banksy
@flat_rhino when are you going to Northwestern IBiS?
Thanks Biotechie, should have signature on this post (nice and fancy, like y'alls) I am looking forward to hearing from UCSD in the next week, my supervisors have been in close communication with a few faculty there regarding my application. I hope it pays off!
Just got an email from UW-Madison CMB for an interview...dates are February 7-10, February 14-17, February 21-24. I received an interview from UMass medical school over the break as well.
Is there a thread that includes interview dates for this years cycle?
got call from northwestern ibis today for interview. hopefully this will have a snowball effect
What a good way to procrastinate my last few apps Undergrad Institution: UC Santa Curz -OK in Biology. Major(s): Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Minor(s): N/A GPA in Major: 3.44 Overall GPA: 3.29 Position in Class: Not known Type of Student: Domestic - non-minority GRE Scores (revised/old version): Q: 161 -83% V: 161 -86% W: 4.0 -49% B: Research Experience: No undergrad research experience, I sort of slacked as an undergraduate, in case my GPA didn't already say that. I have been working as a full-time research technician for the past three years at a non-profit research lab. Awards/Honors/Recognitions: Deans list a couple of semesters, nothing too fancy Pertinent Activities or Jobs: See research experience Any Miscellaneous Accomplishments that Might Help: we have drafted a manuscript detailing my research for the past three years, unfortunately it is not ready to submit...sending to Nature Special Bonus Points: My mentors have some connections at the programs i am applying to and they have sent them personal emails describing just how amazing I am (two are on admissions committees). These people have offered to talk to the admissions committees to give my application a better look, we will see how this pans out. Should be meeting a few professors at UCSF next week to WOW them (i am actually very nervous), one of which is looking for another fantastic graduate student to replace one that just graduated, who happened to from my research institute (though he probably had a better GPA and test scores). Any Other Info That Shows Up On Your App and Might Matter: Spent 3+ months discussing, editing, and improving my statement of purpose with a postdoc in my lab. I believe my competence shines through...but that could just be my incompetence blurring my vision. Applying to Where: UCSF - iPQB UCSD - Biological Sciences UCB - MCB UT Austin - MCB UCD - BMCDB Rice - BCB UMass Medical School - BBS ASU - BioDesign UI Urbana Champaign - MCB Madision - CMB UW - MCB - REJECTED, probably gpa/gre filter people have been mentioning Ann Arbor - Pibs Northwestern - IBiS UNC Chapel Hill - Biomedical Sciences Note * the acronym's above could be mistaken, MCB CMB BCB all are essentially molecular cell biochemistry genetics development...and so forth This is my 3rd time applying to graduate school. If I do not get offer this year I am going to DEEPLY REGRET turning down Columbia University 2 years ago. 0 Applied to (11/14):UCSF, UCB, UCSD, UCD, UMASS MEDICAL, UT Austin, Madision, Ann Arbor, Northwestern, UW, UNC Chapel Hill, Need to submit (3/14):Urbana-Champaign, Rice, ASU Interview (0/14): Accepted (0/14): Rejected (1/14): UW
i submitted 8/14. UCSD-Biological Sciences UCSF-iQPB UCB-MCB UCD-BMCDB Ann Arbor-PIBS Madison-CMB Austin-MCB UW-MCB. still need to do Rice Urbana UMMS Chapel Hill Northwestern ASU i am mostly interested in quantitative systems and synthetic biology -- how biological design principles give rise to complex cellular function, why the same designs have converged during evolution, how and why specific regulatory topologies are used in different systems, and how all of this can be used to develop synthetic organisms. most of my recommendations are in, transcripts and GRE scores arrived in a timely manner. plan on doing the rest of my apps in order of their deadline and will be done mid-december. this is my third time applying. 2 years ago i got accepted and declined, last year zero acceptances after 1 interview. since i have improved my gre scores, my letters of rec, my essays, and have been in communication with professors at the programs i am applying to. hope the third time is the charm. hope everyone does well (not too well obviously cause i want to get in....but you know what i am saying)
Thanks for the encouragement Kim. I ended up picking some more schools (UMASS, PENN, Princeton, Columbia, and going to try to find another one ..... all of which have PI's that do similar research. I have the hops of starting a project at my current job and trying to set up a collaboration if I get into school). I got most of the drone work on my apps done (name, gpa, transcripts, blah blah, department) and I got the go ahead from the head of research of the UC system (office of the president) on my essay prompts. i needed someone to tell me I wasn't being a complete dumb dumb about my responses. I don't think I am going to take the GRE again because there is no time and the 770 math was a fluke. I ended up getting a 4.5 on the writing so eh. I also decided to take the subject test again, but wouldn't you know it I missed the deadline by 3 days. Not going to submit it....SO TAKE THAT GRAD SCHOOL. I will end up taking it again so I can apply to fellowships when I am in school. I know papers take forever, there won't even be a draft by the time apps are due. Not too worried about that part, most people don't. The thing about Pi's is they are busy busy BUSY and won't be able to find too much free time to petition for someone. It is nice to know if they have room in their lab incase you did get in. My advice (what i am going to do), is to read some papers of theirs, come to some conclusions, then say you are interested in this aspect of their research and here is what you would do (check that it isn't a retarded idea with your PI).... My boss-man has the impression that I am not going to have any trouble getting into cal, ucsf or stanford..... He has been saying I was right for the past week, so he is either losing it or has faith in me. Anyway, thanks again I gots to get back to work though.....another all nighter. need to start bringing my sleeping back to work -banksy
Thanks for the replies, I kind of figured. Finally got the OK from the lady to apply to more schools. So I am adding more to the list but focusing the most on my top three choice. ONE MORE MONTH then its off to sunny Mexico!!
Hey everyone, I just started an account, I have been reading these forums for a while now... figured it was time to participate. A little about myself: I went to UCSC for my undergraduate studies and majored In Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. i did not get any research experience while there, but did manage to get one good letter (I still have to contact him but he only has the best things to say). Anyway, I graduated with a 3.5 major GPA and 3.2 cumulative, I know not so great, but it was college and my future was still so far away at the time. I was unemployed for a half a year until I finally landed a dream job working in a privately run lab in downtown Berkeley. I have been there for approximately 7 months and will be working there until, hopefully, I get into graduate school. I bust my ass working and should be able to get my other two letters from my PI and the senior scientist I work directly with. The senior scientist did his postdoc in UCSF (for the head of a department) and has connects there, Stanford (met an admissions board member when my boss gave a seminar to his lab), and UCB, so hopefully he can talk to people, who know people, who blah blah blah....I am trying not to rely on that....but my "numbers" are not too great. I just got done with my GRE, which almost brought me to tears by the time I was taking the damn test.... 770Q and 490V, waiting on the writing section. I am happy with the math but disappointed in the verbal (English is my second language, ha....but I don't think it counts after 19 years). I do not think there is any point of me taking it again in November because my verbal score will not increase that much and my quant will probably drop. That being said, quant is more important in life sciences....right? I am under the impression that they like well balanced applicants, but they understand that the GRE sucks. I had to take the subject test as an exit requirement for my major because I did not write a thesis, but did not put too much time or effort into it ending up with a 53% (needed 50% for major). Most schools say the subject is recommended but not required, let me make it clear, I HAVE NO IDEA WHAT THAT MEANS.... this is how I translate, if you did good show us you did good, if you didn't do good don't show us....haha, not too sure if that is accurate. I think I can manage taking the test again, come November, and do at least 15% better on it since I have been working in the field for some time now. Not sure if it is worth it, to stress about that and my apps.... That covers my undergrad GPA, my GRE, letters of recommendation.... The schools I am applying to just so happen to be some of the best schools in the country, but I do love the bay area and would like to stick around. UCSF- TETRAD (genetics and cell bio) Stanford- Genetics, Chemical and Systems Biology UCB- Genetics or Cell Biology My PI told me there are no fall back schools when it comes to your PhD, so if I don't get in this year I can work for another year and apply again next year....giving me more time to apply for fellowships, start a collaboration or two with labs from these schools, and hopefully getting my name on a paper or two (one of which we will hopefully start writing soon). This gives me comfort, but I still would like to get going with grad school. What else is there? The actual applications : I have been thinking about them and have filled out all of the information parts, have an outline for my personal statement, know what I am going to put for my research experience and statement of intent. Quick question about my personal statement. I am a war refugee and have worked that into my personal statement (UCSF and Berkeley both ask for how have your experiences.....grad school.....diversity), not sure how much to play that card. I am not a big fan of waving the war refugee card around to get something that I want. I will at some point post the finished statement, if people respond to this. I will end by saying thanks in advance for any replies. PM's will work as well, whatever. I am meeting with the head of research for the UC system sometime soon to further discuss my application, what to emphasize and what to avoid, which should be great. THANKS! p.s. I didn't have time to read over the whole thing....