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Everything posted by amyyyyyy

  1. Thank you so much!!! I'll let you know where I end at
  2. I know it sounds a little sad but my only hope is Harvard now and I am hypnotizing myself that they may be releasing results alphabetically. Or I have to pray for a partially funded MA from BU or Fordham. The most anxiety comes from the fact that I am older than normal applicants and I will get even older after an MA
  3. Hi, there is only one Rutgers acceptance on the result page, probably there are still more acceptances waiting to go out, and Rutgers haven't sent out rejections nor waitlists yet. NYU and Princeton only released interview invitations so far, it is plausible that NYU are interviewing all finalists but I am not sure about Princeton--whether the choice of conducting interview varies along subfields. Neither have any official decisions for acceptance yet. Harvard is usually releasing at the end of the month. So all four are still possible.
  4. Regarding what Ramus said about a PhD graduate from UMich with two publications and a national conference and a PhD graduate from Yale with two publications and multiple conference presentations, I think there is a misunderstanding of the sign of academic vigor in the humanities. Journal publication is a major indicator of academic success in natural sciences. As an English PhD, however, what's most important is whether you can transfer your dissertation into your first published book, or academic monologue. Published books are mostly the sole indicator of academic preparedness in the English subject. Journal articles and conferences are but supplements and could be fairly frequently achieved by PhD students in their first or second years of study. The most important output in an English PhD program is the dissertation a student writes and whether that can be revised into a first book ready to be published. Usually, you if get a TT job, with your first published book, you can apply for securing the tenure. It is true that an English PhD graduate having several marvelous journal articles but not academically prepared for writing book-length monologues may not be competitive in the academic job market.
  5. You looked familiar. Hope you get in
  6. Wow, turns out that Valentine's Day Massacre at last happened;) it is Yale this year, not CUNY as usual
  7. I am just saying that if the department doesn't have a blind admission policy, for many public universities, the money used to fund one international student could instead be used to fund 1.5-2 American students (because they could easily apply for in-state tuition from the 2rd year onward), so probably the English department won't admit blindly. That said, if a public university is a good fit, you should still apply. Just keep in mind that certain universities have an absolute "no funding for international students" policy, for example UNC, and you want to prevent that situation
  8. UNC's website indicates "The majority of our graduate students are fully funded. (International students please reach out to the Director of Graduate Admission for more information." I was admitted without funding and DGS said no funding is available for international students. It was my fault thought that I didn't contact her beforehand. After receiving this unfunded admission, I researched websites of public universities I applied to and saw this on Berkeley's English PhD page:"International applicants should consult the Graduate Division's website for admissions requirements and estimated costs of graduate study for international students" and I lost hope. I haven't confirmed this with the English DGS at Berkeley. You may ask him directly. I am sorry if this is misleading information.
  9. I am already being very anxious about the possibility of being shut outšŸ„²Can anybody relate?
  10. Advice to international applicants: If you are interested in a public university, make sure to email DGS beforehand to clarify if the department admits international candidates blindly and funds them. Some schools would not say that directly on their website, there may be a tiny line of words in the bottom such as "international students please contact DGS/Graduate Admission office for more information" right on the funding page whereupon the very first sentence at the top of the website reads "Every admitted student receive full funding for 5 years." This usually means they don't fund international students. (For example, Berkeley, UNC) Even if the website indicates nothing about international applicants, I would suggest contact DGS of a public university before you apply to make sure that they mix international students in the pool and fund blindly
  11. Hi everyone! Happy Valentine's Day! I am looking forward to the Valentine's massacre;) just a joke I have 0 acceptance yet and would really love to get in somewhere soon~kinda sad, applying to Berkeley/UCLA was the dumbest idea I had. I just discovered yesterday on Berkeley's website that "international students should contact Graduate Admission Office directly to estimate the cost of attending PhD in English" meaning they have no funding available. I bet a similar circumstance goes with UCLA. More than half schools on my list are public, guessing I made a mistake. Congratulates to all these who have multiple offers! I am suffering from extreme anxiety though
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