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Rixor last won the day on December 30 2024

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    Creative Writing - Fiction

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  1. Just wanted to drop in and wish you all good luck!! I went through this last year, the process is so anxiety-inducing... If I can support y'all in any way, please lmk!
  2. I'll also follow up! 2 accepts, 3 waitlists, 5 rejections. Very excited to be going to one of my initial acceptances! It's been a distressing process--lots of worry, lots of waiting, lots of uncertainty, and--of course--lots of money spent on application fees. Writing was my minor in undergrad (my major was biology) and the English director at my school said it 'wasn't really possible' for someone to go to MFA school with a non-English-related major. Very glad he was wrong! When I started this process, I was clueless and read the previous year's thread obsessively in trying to figure out what to do. I'm a first-gen student so I didn't have anybody in person to reach out to. So, advice for newcomers who might see this in the future doing the same: join the Facebook Draft group. It'll be called something like, "MFA Draft ‘25" and I really wish I would've joined sooner because it certainly seems to be the 'hub' for info regarding MFA CW applications. And feel free to message me if you need any help or have any questions. I'm certainly not an expert or anything, but I'll share my SOP and stuff if asked. I probably won't use this site much anymore but I'll probably be on draft, or, my Discord is the same as my username here.
  3. Finally got my USF rejection email from John Lennon (holy shit!?). He said that they filled their cohort. At least, for fiction.
  4. I mentioned that USF completely ghosted me--no waitlist, no accept, no rejection, but my portal changed to "no active applications" and nobody responded to my email requesting info... Someone on Reddit who's at USF right now for their MFA told me, "I wouldn't completely count out USF because their admissions can be weird, someone in our program was admitted into the program in July. " So... They're a wildcard, maybe? I've counted them out but maybe others shouldn't. Hope y'all hear back from UCR soon.
  5. If you're staying home, I think they won't be upset. I'd imagine programs get upset if you tell them "I'm 100% gonna go here!" and then turn around and go to a different 'better' school. That's frowned upon. But even in that scenario, you should really be doing what's best for you. Nobody in their right mind will be meaningfully upset if you say something like, "I'm sorry to inform you at this stage, but sudden unfortunate circumstances have made it impossible for me to pursue an MFA program this year, and I will need to withdraw my admission(?) for this reason. I deeply appreciate the opportunity and acknowledgement you've granted me. I wish I could've accepted your offer of admission, and (you can white lie a bit) I would appreciate being considered again in a future admissions cycle."
  6. No worries!! I would've declined if it was anything other than a rejection. It was an email telling me to check my portal, which included a rejection. I hope you have an acceptance waiting for you!
  7. Boise State fiction sent me my rejection today:) If you didn't hear, maybe no news is good news?
  8. To my knowledge, at least one acceptance for Boise poetry has gone out on Feb 5th. I know of someone who just turned down their poetry waitlist there, too. Doesn't hurt to reach out. I'm also in a nebulous state with some schools--no acceptance, no waitlist, no rejection, but others' notifications have gone out. Hope you hear good news soon.
  9. Yeah, I'm still waiting on a handful of schools too. Are you talking about Boise State fiction? I haven't heard from them, either, and nobody on the Facebook Draft has logged anything... They do interviews first though (at least, for poetry) so maybe that changes things. If I got accepted/waitlisted at Boise State this late in the game, I'd decline it and I'm sure many others would, too. I've counted it out, personally, but I would reach out if I were you. Side note, according to previous logged results on this site, Boise apparently sent out acceptances on the day of April 15th previously. Wow! Maybe it's not too late?
  10. Thank you so much for the info!!:) Glad you were able to get a response!
  11. Still haven't heard back from some schools. Anyone else? April 15th is in just 6 days. I'm happy to be patient, but in some cases... Man, e.g. University of South Florida completely ghosted my emails asking for clarificiation on the strange message in my admissions portal. I wouldn't want to go there anyways at this point. I'm pretty sure I know where I'm going at this point and I am ecstatic about it. I feel very fortunate. ' Just ~6 more days of uncertainty. Been a pleasure going through this process with you all.
  12. I'm kinda in a state of uncertainty--one of my acceptances might be cancelled, the other hasn't given me funding info, and the rest of the good news I have are waitlists. I'm hoping I get to attend a program this year, but I've accepted it might not happen. Since I've been staying off this forum, I wanted to drop in and thank you all for being here and for all the wonderful advice and camaraderie. Thanks to you all, I've managed to survive this process with some sanity intact. Hoping the best for all of you!
  13. It was apparently ~15,000 a year in 2016. Tight with the COL--hopefully it's been raised since then. Congrats on the waitlist!
  14. Rejected at UW-Seattle for fiction. It be like that sometimes.
  15. I've heard they only notify SUPER late. Like, April, May, June. No clue how true that is but it sucks if it is.
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