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  1. Has anyone on here heard anything from UCI, post that-weird-waitlist-but-not-waitlist email? [3a/1w/7r/2p]
  2. Congrats! Can I ask if you got a funded TA offer, or just an acceptance?
  3. @wmly I did! Really not sure what to think...other than it's kinda verging on obnoxious, in a way? LOL. Hoping it means something ultimately positive, but I'm not about to get my hopes up. Let me know if you hear anything further, and I will do the same. Good luck!
  4. Does anyone have info on Virginia Tech for poetry? Draft shows one poetry acceptance and one waitlist - both recorded over one month ago. My app portal still says "awaiting decision" and I'm wondering what's going on... Insights appreciated!
  5. Cool, thanks! Maybe you can update here after your call? Just want to manage my expectations. Congrats again!
  6. Congrats, ssuunn! So happy for you. I am a poetry applicant, too, and Oregon is a top choice for me - could you share any insights you may have as to how many applicants they got, if they're done accepting people yet, etc? Wishing you all good things!
  7. Anyone know if Montana (Missoula) is done notifying for poetry applicants? Saw a couple on draft but not very many.
  8. Absolutely - you can email them and say something along the lines of: "I'm grateful for the acceptance to such a wonderful program, but I wonder if we could agree upon a later decision date? The financial component of attending a non-funded program requires some further decision-making on my end, and I'd be better able to do so if this deadline was extended to X (DATE)." etc., etc. This probably goes without saying, but: you never know whom you are speaking with, so it's important to be professional (unlike what Scribe is suggesting)! Plus, who knows...maybe they could end up offering you a scholarship or some other opportunity. Sometimes, masters program funding is tied to another program's funding (example: English PhD program enrollment at my alma mater dictated English MA program funding) so you never know what could shake out. You should always ask for what you need (like a deadline extension) - all they can do is say no! Best of luck to you. I'm sure you will end up exactly where you're meant to be.
  9. @jadedoptimist , I would not decline ANY offers until you've received all your application decisions. As feasible or not as they may seem, it doesn't serve you well to make decisions without all the information possible available to you. It's even advisable to wait out admissions offers because sometimes (perhaps rarely, but it does happen) they may come back and offer you more $ as their waitlist dwindles or more funding comes in later in spring.
  10. Has anyone heard from University of Oregon for poetry? All I see on draft is fiction.
  11. Congrats!! That's awesome. Did you find out today? And by phone, email...carrier pigeon?
  12. Appreciate you asking. Let us know what they say! & 650 is a lot, but typical for larger programs. I wouldn't beat yourself up over that rejection, but am sorry to hear it nonetheless. I'd bet Michigan, Iowa, and NYU probably get 700+.
  13. Congratulations! It is exciting, and it's a fantastic program. Can you (or another waitlist-er) do the lord's work for the rest of us poets and inquire with them as to how many applicants they received this year?
  14. I know you were accepted for fiction (congrats!), but I applied to Oregon for poetry and wondered if they gave you any indication as to whether just their fiction decisions were "early" or the whole program in general? I haven't heard from them yet. Cheers!
  15. I think the only thing that's safe to assume at this point is that it's not safe to assume anything about this process 🤣 there are prevailing opinions that AWP will undoubtedly disrupt/slow the notification process, and that seems very logical to me. Tons of people go to this thing, so that means tons of people won't be working or reading apps or sending emails. But - and this is just my opinion as an applicant - I don't think every ~single~ program will necessarily be affected by AWP / affected to the same extent (whatever that extent may be). I really don't expect to hear back from the bulk of my programs until March, being as I applied to almost all fully-funded, large university programs as a poetry applicant. But there is no way of knowing, really. Best to distract ourselves and hope for the best!
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