I've heard great things about UIUC especially, but you're right, I'd probably choose Rutgers-Camden over it as well. R-C has a great reputation too, and better funding. Dunno about the relative cost of living, though.
Congratulations! Crossing my fingers that you get in this time.
Thank you for clarifying how Ole Miss phase 2 apps work. The previous times you got to phase 2, could you share around what time you heard back (month/date or timeline) with final decisions (R, I presume)?
Right here with you, and I believe it's the same for @Mystic_Sunshine. I'm just confused; I thought that, if nothing else, the stage 2 application led to an automatic waitlist at least. But it's been 3 days since the first notifications went out and it's still crickets here. Makes me wonder what could have been so wrong with my application or if the original invitation had been sent in error.
I'd like this process to be over. I need them to decide one way or the other so I can move forward. Tired and sad but keeping on. Now thinking of other ways to move on with my writing and year.
Thank you, Brown, for this immaculate edging. I've acquired 93 new mental illnesses today alone, had one not-mini breakdown, recovered from it, and am still perched on the edge of my seat here. Fantastic work, Brown. Well done! 👍🏾
Just checked and can confirm that one was for Oregon State (poetry), and the other was for Bowling Green State (not sure of the genre but possibly fiction, based on the comments).
I am so sorry, Panano. So so sorry for your loss and the general feeling of overwhelm. I can relate to the crushing bruise of relentless Ls. It does a number on the heart. Not much I can say now but I pray your hurt eases and that your resounding good news is very very close. Sending you all the hugs 🫂🫂🫂
Sorry, I can't confirm the schools but one was way back in early February or so. The person was waitlisted and then accepted the next day. Another waitlister reported on the draft sheet a few days ago that they've been accepted off the waitlist. There are currently over 2,000 entries on the sheet and it's not very easy to trawl through, but maybe someone else will remember specifically and share here.