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Everything posted by lychees

  1. Ahhhh!!! I am so thrilled for you! Ohio State is an absolutely fantastic program — if you end up going, I hope you have a fabulous three years ❤️
  2. I've officially accepted my offer from the University of Minnesota (and declined my Ohio State offer, so I hope someone on the waitlist receives good news soon)! That finishes this cycle at 6a/1w/4r. Wishing you all the best in the coming days, thank you for all the support ❤️
  3. I didn't hear from Iowa State until April 5 and was accepted off the waitlist five days later. So it's never a no until it's a no — but that might be an atypical experience, I'm not sure. At this point, I would reach out to Boise State directly and ask for an update. There's three days until April 15, and they owe you a clear response.
  4. Today has been absolutely dizzying. This morning I was putting together a list of the differences between my two offers; this night I have two new offers to consider! I'm off the waitlist at Iowa State now — and there's still five more days before the 15th (which is beginning to feel impossibly far and also so close at the same time).
  5. I just checked GradCafe and was about to congratulate you on making a final decision — and then boom, email from Ohio State that I'm off the waitlist. So congratulations and also thanks (even if I suspect you just made my decision ten times harder!). Pitt is lucky to have a writer like you.
  6. Officially declined my offer from Colorado State for CNF — very oddly stressful (I felt bad declining, even though it was the right choice), but they sent a wonderful email back and I feel really positive about all the doors still open for me. I hope someone on the waitlist gets good news soon!
  7. Hi! I received an acceptance from NMU on March 4 (also a CNF applicant) but I don't know anything else about their timeline for sending out the rest of their decisions. Wish I could be of more help
  8. Just got accepted to Northern Michigan University! Teaching assistantship, tuition waiver, and stipend for all three years. Some good news to begin the week
  9. I've spoken with several Iowa alumni, and the general consensus I've received is that many people don't go into an MFA having a literary agent — they are found through their previously published work, such as in a literary journal, and an agent who sees potential will reach out to them from there. It often happens to be luck (and a combination of Iowa's reputation for people who attend) that finding an agent happens while a student is still undergoing their MFA. I did hear a story about an Iowa student who received a million-dollar book deal while still in the MFA program there. But that was stressed to me as largely atypical and not really representative of the average MFA experience.
  10. Just received an email notifying me that I'm on the waitlist for University of Idaho — very sweet, kind, and personalized email that offered various ways to get information on the program or get in touch with other professors if I'd like despite not being an acceptance.
  11. Here to join the rejection from Pitt club! To be honest, I only feel relief — thank god I can cross one more university off my list and move onto the next. Congratulations to everyone who's gotten acceptances or waitlists, I'm thrilled for all of you!
  12. Thank you (and @Scribe) for the advice, I really appreciate it! Unfortunately Colorado State isn't listed there — I guess I'm wondering if it's a social faux pas to email and formally request an extension if they aren't listed? Or if I can expect to even receive an extension even if CSU isn't part of the resolution?
  13. Hi everyone — in need of some advice. I was asked to formally respond to an acceptance by March 15, and while I'm absolutely thrilled at the acceptance, I'm stressed about the rest of my decisions, as I don't know which ones will be out by then. I'd ideally like to know what doors will be open or closed by that date, as I would feel awful accepting an offer without knowing my other admissions decisions. Coincidentally, I'll also be traveling internationally on March 15, so I'd like to have at least one extra day nevertheless. Does anyone have experience with requesting an extension on a deadline to respond to an offer of admission? Is there a particular way I should go about it? This landscape is entirely foreign to me, and I'm not sure what to write or request specifically.
  14. Just received an email notifying me that I'm waitlisted for University of New Mexico — bringing the total up to three waitlists so far! Here's to hoping that more good news comes to everyone this week.
  15. I just received my first acceptance from Colorado State for nonfiction with a fellowship offer, which was one of my dream programs! I am trembling as I type this and I genuinely gasped out loud when I saw the email. I'm sending all of this good luck out to all of you — I hope amazing things come everyone's ways soon!
  16. I currently read for (arguably) one of the most prestigious literary journals in the United States, so if it helps to provide some perspective on how rejection goes, especially for the bigger journals out there — so much of what is accepted or not is simply dependent on luck and subjectivity, particularly how the individual reader feels about your piece. Some pieces call to certain people more, and some pieces call to certain people less. Submitting to larger literary journals is absolutely a gamble, which means that rejections are rarely ever personal. The sheer amount of submissions also affects this — dozens of pieces I have shared with the higher-up editors enthusiastically, that are written by phenomenally skilled writers, have been rejected as well because there's a page limit for every journal. All this to say that rejections are inevitable, which means they are never an indication as to your skill or talent — only an indication to always try again.
  17. Just got an email from the director of the MFA program at Northern Michigan about my application — I'm unsure if anyone else is applying there, but they have definitely begun reviewing applications, so here's hoping for good news (or any news!) soon.
  18. I'm creative nonfiction! I wrote fiction for almost my entire life (plus a lot of very emotional, teenage-angst poetry when I was younger), but I took one CNF class in college and it transformed my entire life path.
  19. Just got waitlisted at Minnesota! Logging into my applicant portal was beyond stressful, but that makes two waitlists and zero rejections so far, which is making me feel very, very tentatively positive about the next few months. And I'm especially thrilled for everyone who's gotten acceptances so far!
  20. A week ago or so I got an email from University of Idaho that had the subject line beginning with "The University of Idaho's Creative Writing Program Welcomes...." I can't even begin to express the emotion that came over me only to see that it was about a new addition to their core faculty. What a way to phrase an email.
  21. Hi everyone! Short-time lurker who didn't realize that this forum existed until about two hours ago. I'm a first-time applicant in my last semester of undergrad. I applied to eleven programs all in CNF last December and just got waitlisted from Ohio State today — I was expecting the worst, so it was extremely shocking and very welcome news! I'm currently the only person I know at my uni who's applying to MFAs straight out of undergrad so it's really nice to hear that other people are going through the same process. I'm wishing everyone best of luck!
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