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Everything posted by amp2324

  1. Do you mind me asking who you received the email from? I haven't heard anything yet and I keep worrying that I'm missing something
  2. Congratulations!! If you don't mind me asking- were you notified by email or was there an update in the GradCAS portal?
  3. I haven’t heard a peep from them so idk🤷🏻‍♀️
  4. Got rejected by Cornell yesterday and Ohio State today. Neither one was a surprise, but it still feels like a punch in the gut. Just waiting on Pittsburgh now, but considering how this cycle has gone so far, I'm not super hopeful. My one acceptance is from the University of South Carolina, which I'm not even sure is worth it. Subfield IR. 1A/1W/7R/1P.
  5. Has anyone heard from Pittsburgh? I feel like they've usually released something by now, but I haven't seen anything. I'm also just waiting around for the rejection updates from Ohio State and Cornell that I know are coming. I wish they would send them already so we could just move forward with some kind of closure /: It's been another week of radio silence and an empty inbox
  6. Well good luck to you!!! I tend to err on the side of caution and assume i'll have to wait longer- that way I can be pleasantly surprised if I hear back sooner lol
  7. i'm expecting cornell sometime next week, but i saw someone a few days ago say that they expected cornell today so idk
  8. Chicago rejection. Sucks because it was a really good fit, but obviously it's really competitive. Assuming NYU and Ohio State already sent out all their acceptances, I only have two more shots at getting accepted. Been rough. Congratulations to everyone who got admitted, though!
  9. Claiming Boston rejection. Congrats to everyone who got in!
  10. My sample is also qualitative and I was told by a faculty member at one of the schools I applied to that the only reason I wasn't the best fit for their program was because they were looking for more quant. He said there are schools that place less of an emphasis on quant, but that it's more of an uphill battle for applicants with less quant experience. The emphasis placed on quant also varies between subfields even within the same department. I could be wrong (I am by no means an expert or authority on the subject), but I also think that certain subfields, like theory, present more opportunities for qualitative analysis than other fields. But honestly I don't know 🤷‍♀️
  11. Got my rejection letter from Brown- disappointed but not surprised lol
  12. me! I was waitlisted on the 16th, but have been in communication with a faculty member who is interested in my application.
  13. Nope! I checked the portal, but there's no update yet.
  14. Welp, just got my rejection notification from Rice. Congratulations to everyone who was accepted! A: 0; R: 1; W: 1; Pending: 8
  15. It's my first time applying, so this may be a dumb question- but does anybody know how much more likely I am to move off of the waitlist if a faculty member reached out to me? Like I got waitlisted and then a faculty member emailed me a few days later to set up a call so that he could advocate for me. Does that count as an interview? Or is that something different?
  16. Me too and my stomach jumped into my chest for NOTHING lol
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