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3feetofsnow last won the day on February 18

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    MFA Fiction ‘24

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  1. They have at least started sending out acceptances in poetry, nothing in any other genre yet.
  2. Looks like someone just got bumped up from the Michigan waitlist, seeing movement there of all places makes me more optimistic about my own waitlists
  3. I think probably they mean places that fund most or all of their students when they can but can’t guarantee funding to every accepted applicant.
  4. Went on that walk in the woods with the dogs, then went out for lunch and marathoned a show with my friend, and I managed not to think about my applications once! Very proud of myself, lol. I hope everyone else had a restful Saturday as well and managed to take your minds off this grueling process at least a little!
  5. I have a walk in the woods with a couple very sweet dogs and a Black Sails marathon planned with a friend
  6. Right?? Does anyone know the general timeline for when they notified last year?
  7. Ooh but someone with a UW Madison acceptance just got into Michigan on top of the one who got into I think it was Vandy, so my odds there are looking up!
  8. Nevermind it’s backdated to the same day the others were sent out, here’s hoping for a waitlist…
  9. Another USC acceptance just went out to a fiction applicant so it looks like they’re doing a slow rollout and there’s still a possibility that mine is coming, and a definite possibility of making the wait list… here’s hoping!
  10. I’d say whichever one comes more honestly to you. As long as you mean it in good faith, I think it can be beneficial if they know you wouldn’t turn a potential spot down for anything else were it to come your way.
  11. Yeah, even within the two programs I’ve been waitlisted for, one of the emails was a lot less personal, and still hasn’t responded to the email I sent back last week, whereas the other responded promptly and offered to make time to talk to me about the program and my plans and any questions or concerns I had, and I suspect this has a lot to do with the length of these respective schools’ waitlists.
  12. Same 😅 work is going to suck a lot more again when I’m not using it as a distraction from the stress and endless waiting
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