I just started the MFA program at UC Davis this year and I highly recommend giving it a look. The studios are huge and the schedule is very reasonable to allow a lot of studio time. If you TA 10 hours per week, they give you free tuition, no fees and free health care. ie fully funded. Then on top of that, as a TA your stipend is $17,000 per year. If you TA 20 hours per week, it’s double that. Additional five digit funding is available as well but isn’t always guaranteed and therefore isn’t part of the official offer. Rent in Davis is not as bad as the Bay Area nearby. A room in a shared house is under $1000 a month.
All this is to say nothing of the program which is exceptional. It’s completely interdisciplinary and blends some group critique with a lot of individual study. There are nine visiting artists per year. Many do studio visits. Some teach grad seminars for second year students.
Thats my pitch for Davis. PM me if you have questions.