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Everything posted by rachy1997

  1. hi! I'm sorry i kind of disappeared. I got waitlisted on the 20th.
  2. I'm losin it :,) actually crossing my fingers we both get in and we can celebrate LOL
  3. Hollins. I live in Roanoke and Hollins is my top and only school. I know they already have acceptances, but waitlists haven't gone out yet. I really just want to know :,)
  4. Good morning all! This is my first cycle applying, and I could only do 2 schools. I have a question about etiquette and how these things go: I've seen that people will sometimes reach out to the program they haven't heard back from. Is this advisable, or is it better to remain patient? What are the pros and cons of emailing and asking about the status of your application? On the one hand, I could see where admissions would want the person who is banging their door down. On the other hand, I could see them getting annoyed. I could also see where it wouldn't matter either way. What do you think? 0a/0w/1r/1p (1st cycle)
  5. I have intel that 10 acceptances have been sent from Hollins but that there are applications that remain under consideration. There's hope for us yet!
  6. congrats! that's something to be really proud of! I didn't apply there or anything, just good news
  7. caution: neuroticism coming thru How long do schools usually take to get ALL their acceptances out? Acceptances started yesterday for the school I want (I saw one in draft) but nothing else from this school. I'm wondering if that means I'm definitely waitlisted/rejected since I didn't hear when that person did. Is it possible that decisions might come over the course of days rather than all at once? I'm just trying to wrap my brain around why a email notifications would be staggered and why they wouldn't just all come within the same time frame of a few hours. Or maybe they did all come out and just aren't reported! Idk I'm probly just being overly stressed & nuts.
  8. 🕯 🕯 🕯 🕯 🕯 🕯 🕯 🕯 ❤️ Hollins 🕯 🕯 poetry 🕯 🕯 🕯 🕯 summoning 🕯 🕯 circle 🕯 🕯 🕯 🕯 ^ for good luck! I feel like a middle schooler sending chain emails/texts again.
  9. do you know how the "rounds" work in MFA admissions? People mention rounds, but I don't really know what that means. Do all schools do rounds of acceptances?
  10. wondering the exact same. one acceptance over email on draft 😬
  11. Still waiting on my top choice. . . running out of ways to occupy my mind 🌀 I only applied to 2 schools in the area this year & I'm reading one as a soft rejection. I'm hoping we see some decisions today!
  12. Darn. It's in my genre. I guess I was hoping there was a chance it's not a rejection. Oh, well.
  13. Hi friends-- first time poster here. I have a question! If I see a school has one reported acceptance and one waitlist, is it safe to assume that's a soft rejection for me? The acceptance and waitlist went out in early/mid February. That being said, nobody else has reported anything. Thanks for any insight you might be able to provide. I'm freakin' out.
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