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AyvaM last won the day on February 11

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  1. ugh okay but what if it's so romantic on the borderline tonight?
  2. Tuxedocat, you are absolutely crushing it!! Gonna start a hype train in my apartment! [read: pick up my nontuxedocat and go choo-choo over and over until she meows to be put back down] Proud for you! 🌻🌻🌻
  3. Out of reacts but congratulations!! Thanks for the steady reminder that even when things look funky, they're working out in ways we can't always predict. I am "trusting" the "process" or "whatever" 🌻
  4. hiya lovely people!🌻 three things: 1] i had a smol cry this morning when i checked Draft and saw my inbox was notably absent of a helen zell email. but, as it turns out, i am the source of my own misery and i just needed to wait a few hours for that shiny beautiful waitlist email to arrive!!! [still full of so much joy, even if it's an imperfect result] 2] do we know roughly how many applicants per genre iowa takes in every year? i couldn't seem to find the answer and i wanna prepare myself now so i don't work myself into any more of a tizzy about late notifications. 3] UCI gave contact info for some current students so i could ask questions but does anyone have any advice for what kinds of real and practical questions i should ask? I'm already very familiar with location/housing/cost of living type things [LA native] and so literally all my brain keeps wanting to ask them is: hi are you happy?? do you like each other?? Which is very important but like, not the only important thing. [Sorry for a long one today] 🌻🌻 Oh! Also huge fucking congrats to everyone accepted/waitlisted at North Carolina, Iowa, Michigan, Boston, Arkansas...............god so many schools just announced okay well just a big messy congrats to you all! Y'all did that shit. 🔥 1a/2w/2r/4p
  5. I just asked about fiction. Will let you know what they say 🌻 [got in for poetry]. Ahh. Immediate update. They said just the poets for our initial meeting so fiction could still be being decided upon!!! Fingers crossed for you! They work fast so you'll hear back soon, I'm sure! Edit: sorry, I assumed you were asking about fiction but realized late that you never said that! Poetry is done! Fiction is pending?
  6. On Monday I got rejected from Michener and Vandy in one fell swoop. It was also my anniversary with my partner, to add insult to highly competitive injury lol. Anyway, I have wallowed enough and finally checked back in here to see the updates. I ran out of reacts very quickly. 🌻 One million congratulations to everyone for everything and one million commiserations to everyone else for everything else. This forum is the brightest spot in an otherwise semi-painful waiting game. It reminds me to step out and feel a little joy for someone else every day, and maybe moo along to the moo-bot whenever I obsessively check Draft. 🐮 Season's not done yet y'all, but for what it's worth, I'm supremely proud of everyone here. 🌻🌻🌻🌻 1a/1w/2R/5p
  7. YALL I JUST GOT A CALL FROM NATALIE FUCKING SHAPERO AT UC IRVINE I was such an idiot on the phone but she was soooo nice about it 😭😭😭😭😭 I'm just screaming over here. Baby's first acceptance
  8. how can i see the results page? when I click results in the hamburger menu on top I get brought to a master page of everyone on gradcafe it seems? is this the correct spot? [this is me trying to obsessively trying to track even more results than Draft 🥲]
  9. what do we think of the uc davis notification in Draft? it claims they were notified an entire week ago on 2/3. [I literally didn't even apply to uc davis lol. i'm just nosy] Edit: ah I missed the one other uc davis notif on 1/31. Fineeee genuine congrats to them!! 🙃🌻 enough armchair detective from me
  10. Same. @everythingbagellover The 3 Pittsburgh poetry notifications today have rocked my brain. Sincerely happy for the people who got interviews (!!) but it has sent this week's "maybe I'll get into my choices!" mindset back into the "maybe i won't get into any!" mindset so quickly. The soft rejection has me huddled under my blankets staring at the wall. This is what I get for checking Draft at 6am every morning. 🥲🥲
  11. bumping this in case it got missed to see if anyone might have any insights ? this is re U Pittsburgh notifications
  12. I just came here to wonder about that, because checking Draft notifications from last year I just noticed that ALL the Interview requests people posted were for Fiction and Nonfiction and there were no Interview Requests listed for Poetry - simply acceptances and rejections for all three genres at the end of February. I'm trying to figure out if I should be freaking out for not having got a request because i applied for poetry but maybe they don't even interview the poets????
  13. Has anyone screamed yet today? I think we should scream. A little. For health.
  14. The one on the 9th was a liar. People were chatting about it a few pages back 🌻🌻
  15. Hello all! I've been lurking on previous threads the past few weeks in an effort to get my application questions answered by those of you who have been here before, but I figured it was time to finally make an account and say hi. This is my first time applying to MFAs and I'm applying to 9 programs (!!) for Fall. This feels like a big number to me - and has been a terrible amount of essay writing, but the math on how many acceptances versus applications (~1-5%???) made it seem like I should aim wide just in case. I'm a poet and have a few publications but nothing particularly big or marketable to MFAs, if those are things they care about. In case anyone would like this info, my hopefuls are: Vanderbilt, Michener (UT Austin), Wash U in St. Louis, Randolph College, UC Irvine, Iowa WW, John Hopkins, UMich (Helen Zell), and Pittsburgh. Anyway, I keep vacillating between these two extreme spirals, one being that I get into NONE of the programs I applied to (or maybe worse in a way, get into solely the single non-funded one I applied to and then can't go because of money), and the other extreme of thinking that my writing sample is so stellar that surely EVERY school will want me, even Iowa despite the fact that I earnestly doubt I'm "marketable" enough for them. Just swinging between constant self-doubt and extreme unearned self-confidence lol. 🥲 I am possibly losing my mind. Is this relatable? Whatever. All my applications are in so now it's in the devil's hands.
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