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  1. Hi All, I am currently in a phd program that requires you prove reading proficiency in a foreign language through a translation exam. I am wondering if anyone can recommend a book for Italian. I've heard that the French for Reading, Sandberg and Tatham, is really great for French, does anyone know of an equivelant book for learning Italian? My conversational knowledge is pretty good, however it's been quite a while since I have formally studied Italian or even used it in a conversation, so I know that I need to brush up before trying the exam. I also know I need to increase my reading knowledge since my previous classes did not emphasize academic reading at all. Anyone have recommendations on a good book for preparing for a reading/translation exam? Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!
  2. it's really hard to find a place from a distance. i took a couple days to visit DC. went to 6 different visiting appointments for apartments and ended up loving the last one i visited and doing the application that day. in response to all those people starting at georgetown in the fall. the glover park area is nice and affordable, especially if you have a roommate. depending on where you are in this neighborhood it takes 15-25 minutes walk to get to the english building on campus. it's residential and very safe, so it might not feel "cityish" enough for some though it's right by wisconsin ave, which has restaurants, bars, cvs, whole foods, safeway, etc... also i can be in dupont via bus in 20 minutes either to go out or to take the metro somewhere else. several people in the program over the past couple years, have lived in "bernstein management park crest apartments," they are really spacious, pet friendly, utilities included. obviously craigslist is a great place to look, but a lot of corporately managed apartments (like the one i live in) don't list there. furthermore--you have to balance cost vs comfort. so yes, i'm a bit farther from school than a basement studio actually in georgetown would be, but i also don't mind the walk and prefer having space to spread out. pm if you have any specific questions and i'll try to answer as best i know. good luck!
  3. every time i see you post i roll around laughing! and i completely agree with that correlation. this just makes me so excited about next year. i have a whole chapter in my thesis on pudding's notorious scene which i happen to be finishing up editing as the FULL final draft is due tonight.
  4. CONGRATULATIONS, HHEoS & sebastiansteddy!! yay for OSU can't wait to meet everyone in the fall. brigadierpudding, with a name like that i wouldn't have taken you for an early modernist. pynchon love
  5. thank you! any information is much appreciated, esp. when searching from out of town. thank you!
  6. congrats to you too and thank you. have you found a place yet? i was actually able to visit over my spring break and i definitely think i want to live in victorian village or short north--but i'm having trouble finding websites with listings. the osu off-campus housing listings don't seem to have much in those areas.
  7. hey all, just made it official and accepted OSU's offer. i am so excited to be there in the fall and meet everyone. anyone have any tips on finding apartments from out of town?
  8. declined Toronto and Indiana. hope that helps someone
  9. hey guys, i'm currently at GU. just wanted to let you know that last week we were on spring break and this week is the beginning of oral defense season, so i imagine it's been pretty hectic for faculty. if you have any questions about the academics feel free to ask.
  10. i hope you enjoy it. also, i don't know what 18th cent. french lit you focus on but i've written on the relation between Edelman and Sade. there are some very interesting overlaps.
  11. my work tends to focus on queer negativity as opposed to more utopian queer theory. my favorite is lee edelman's _no future_. i think his writing style is very clear and often entertaining. other recent queer theory: halberstam's _the queer art of failure_, freeman's _time binds_, and more utopian & perf. studies based theory munoz's _cruising utopia_
  12. hi potential future cohort members. first gradcafe post here! my interests are postmodern literature and queer theory.
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