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  2. 2 fiction acceptances, 3 poetry acceptances.
  3. Congratulations!!!!!!! It's NEVER over Need you to get off that waitlist ASAP
  4. IWW fiction waitlist reported -- I think this means all acceptances are out, and they're notifying waitlists now.
  5. The Fully-Funded send their regards.
  6. A stream of straight rejections so far, without any acceptances or waitlists, which is making me want to dissolve or vanish or something --- but it is really, really lovely to be able to read the thoughts of people on their second round of applications and the support and encouragement everyone has to give here. πŸ«‚πŸ˜Άβ€πŸŒ«οΈ
  7. Dear [name], On behalf of the Writing Seminars faculty, we would like to express our appreciation for your interest in the graduate programs at Johns Hopkins University. I regret to say, however, we are unable to offer you a position in program at this time. The graduate admissions committee reviews a large number of applications and there is intense competition for the limited number of positions available. Thank you very much for your interest in our program. We wish you every success in pursuing your graduate training. Best Regards, Office of Graduate Admissions and Enrollment
  8. Serious congratulations @everything bagel lover and @pananoprodigy!!! Also, finally got my JHU rejection. Feels good to have the chapter properly closed.
  9. First rejection letter from Syracuse! Feels kind of like shit but tomorrow's another day and I still have many to hear back from.
  10. While still not having heard from a single school is making me want to scream, I also want to say that it's simply too early to give up. Some people don't get accepted anywhere -- until they get into their top program, or even a very good program that is super excited to have them. Somewhere, there is a perfect program for you, and if you're willing to reapply, maybe next year will be your year. But this year's draft has only just begun!
  11. JHU poetry waitlist has hit the Draft :)!
  12. GradCafe results page has an Iowa acceptance reported from yesterday -- although unclear what genre it is. It also hasn't been reported on the Draft.
  13. It's fruitless self-flagellation, but at least it passes the time! I'm constantly thinking about which stories I picked for which schools, what the best combination was, and my pre- and post-edit stories. Were they rawer before the editing? Did the editing neuter an unpolished but more singular voice that AdComms might have liked more? Who knows! Who cares!
  14. Cornell fiction acceptance reported on the Draft spreadsheet!
  15. This weekend's going to be a lo-o-o-ong one, but I get the feeling there might be a slew of decisions next week. Not sure whether to feel more excited or scared.
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