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Posts posted by gadhelyn

  1. I don't like Sun, she's been getting nasty lately.

    Kate was fine on the Island, but her storyline off the Island is horrible.

    Charlotte in the new season has mellowed out a bit, so she's not on my bad side anymore.

    I really want to know what's up with Claire, though. Is she dead? What's Christian's real relationship with Jacob?

    What's up with the four-toed foot?

    Does Sawyer get a pair of shoes and why is Faraday still wearing a tie?

  2. This thread came as an idea from within the Waiting It Out forums.

    Spoilers be here, ye be warned!

    Widmore was an Other???? Did he turn the donkey wheel or something? He has to be on the Island when Ben arrives.

    It's interesting that the Others speak Latin, which is far more associated with religion. Locke always talks about himself being religious/spiritual. And the scientists all speak English, the language of science. Very interesting little point there.

  3. Never could get into Lost, but I've been thinking about checking them all out on netflix from the beginning. I'm also sorry I didn't start Fringe when it started as I think I would enjoy it. Yay about Heroes and I'm also looking forward to The Dollhouse.

    oh, and I heard about the Postal Service cutbacks too...just what we need!

    Hey, as long as they bring me my acceptance(s), I'm happy with whatever they want to do after that!

    Fringe is very awesome. Have you heard about The Castle? It's a new ABC show starring Nathan Fillion!

  4. well, another day lost. Too bad there isn't anything good on TV tonight as I'm ready for a little escape.

    What are you talking about? New episode of Lost is on tonight!

    Soon there will be Lost, Heroes, Battlestar Galactica, Fringe and The Dollhouse (Joss Whedon's new show). Just too exciting for a geek like me! :-D

  5. I've been wanting to make my chocolate cake lately. It's so chocolaty that when it's cut, the cake part of it sometimes actually bleeds chocolate.

    But after I have a slice there's the problem of the rest of the cake being there, begging to be eaten.

    Not a good idea when one cake requires 3 sticks of butter.

  6. I graduated with my B.A. last semester and have been working for my former college as an administrative assistant. It's a fairly relaxed environment and I get to be around professors all day which keeps me in a "collegiate" frame of mind. Unfortunately, I no longer have rehearsals to keep me occupied in the evening so it's easy to start worrying. I've picked up creative writing again, something I haven't had time to do in awhile. Working on some original fiction, something light and fluffy that keeps me mind off of, oh, you know, my FUTURE. My husband and I have started reading together after he comes home. I'm keeping a blog of books I finish. I've been trying to take walks in the park after work (it really, really minimizes the stress). And like a lot of other people, I've been cooking a great deal. If anyone wants to trade recipes, let me know! My roommates (including husband) still have one more semester of undergrad so I end up making dinner a lot more.

    Got anything good for dinner? I need something new! And preferably quick. I bake a lot, so I can trade something there!

    My usual day involves getting up, going to work, spend 9 hours in the lab (while checking email as often as I can), then going home, checking the mail, cooking dinner, and exercise (got the goal of losing 60 lbs by qualification exams!)

  7. I have my celebration already planned in my head! Once I get an acceptance, I'm going to get as many people (family and friends) as I can to go have dinner with me at the Twisted Fork Cafe. It is this really cool bakery/deli place nearby with a Dagwood sandwich that is about 8 inches by 8 inches by 4 inches in size. Seriously, if ya'll are ever in Raleigh, go there.

    Heh, I can just see myself storming the restaurant with like 20 people. We did that at one of its sister restaurants for the dinner after our wedding reception (which was a lunch). No call aheads, just came in and said "Yeah, we're expecting like 15 people." Although our best food surprise was going to the Krispy Kreme for donuts immediately after the reception while we were all in tuxes/dresses.

  8. I had assumed an implied rejection when I saw someone with an ASU invite on the results board, but looks like I just received mine a few days later. I'm quite (pleasantly) surprised.


    Bioinformatics programs need to get off their butts and send out some invites or acceptances or something! I feel like I'm the only bio here not hearing anything!

  9. Hey you're lucky you get mail on Saturdays! I'm in Canada and we don't get mail Saturday or Sundays!!! Two days to chill out, ahhhhh!

    I don't think I could do that! The suspense! I need to find a prescription to calm me down some >.<

  10. the LoR are the only things I really don't feel any worry about on mine. I've been allowed now to read 2 of my 3 and they are both very supportive. And I've been told that the third is also very good. And they're all from researchers in biochemistry/endocrinology! Only the gpa has me worried, makes me think at times that they'll see that and toss my app out.

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