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  1. Ah, okay! Thanks so much @exvat and @honeytreasures!!
  2. Ah, okay, thank you!! I figured it wouldn't matter as long as all of the duties were being fulfilled and grades weren't slipping, but I'm a naturally anxious person lol. Wondered if someone in the program heard info of some student working another job the student would get a warning about it or something, but from what I'm gathering it's just an unspoken thing that students are gonna probably get an outside job at some point.
  3. It is fully funded + a stipend. I've heard that it's like an open secret that grad students work, so I'm not sure if it's something worth mentioning or asking about outright. I wonder if it's not a good look to ask about that when it's already stated in the guidebook.
  4. Have an interview coming up for a program I'm super interested in, but I just read in their MFA guidebook that grad students should devote themselves full time to their assistantship duties and not take on outside employment on a regular basis throughout the academic year as that will be a violation of the terms of the assistantship. I always planned on working as a server or something throughout grad school and am irritated as to why this has to be a rule for some programs, especially because a serving job can just be like 3 days a week for easy money. And the program is in an expensive city. Does anyone have insight / experience regarding this rule for certain programs? Like is this something that could be negotiated within the department if a student really needs to make extra money?
  5. I just figured out how to reply on here lol but I just ended up emailing my unofficial transcripts to the mfa department to be safe. I feel like a lot of ppl may have ended up doing that. I wish they were better about sending confirmation emails.
  6. Anyone heard anything from University of Miami? My friend who applied to their PhD program for English a few years ago told me she had to follow up with them as the decision season neared to a close because she heard crickets and they emailed her back basically saying she was rejected so. . .don't like that very much. . . Also, I'm accepting I haven't gotten into NWP and Notre Dame because I haven't heard anything and they seem to have notified other applicants, but has anyone also heard anything from Rutgers-New Brunswick?
  7. For those of you who moved on to Phase II for Ole Miss - did anyone submit their official transcripts electronically? The services I used sent confirmation emails that they were received but on my application status it still says my transcript requirement is not met. I emailed the graduate dept. to confirm if they received my transcripts and haven't received a reply. . .debating if I should just email my unofficial ones too since that was an option in the meantime, but I don't want to seem annoying lol
  8. Hi everyone! I'm new here, but have read through everything to catch myself up 😅. I applied to a good chunk of MFA Fiction programs and received an acceptance from University of South Carolina and moved to Phase II for Mississippi! The other schools I've applied to I'm assuming will be rejections based on all the feedback in here, but I haven't seen any mentions about University of Miami (maybe I missed it). Does anyone know anything?? Congrats to all who have been receiving good news!
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