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Caffeinated (3/10)



  1. Awexome

    NDSEG fellowship

    Finally got the rejection. Congrats to the winners!
  2. Awexome

    DOE CSGF 2011

    Also rejected. Dammit.
  3. Awexome

    DOE CSGF 2011

    The one listed on this page - 515.956.3696
: http://www.krellinst.org/csgf/contact-us
  4. Awexome

    DOE CSGF 2011

    So I guess they lied to me over the phone...someone else want to call?
  5. Well, rejected then I guess. Heh, maybe next year...
  6. Well that was anti-climactic.
  7. Hey, I'm pretty sure I've invested quite a bit less time in it than most of the people in this thread. The script took about 3 minutes to write, as opposed to some people here who have been constantly manually refreshing the site for hours straight. =) Anyway, I'm just setting myself up for disappointment here...I wrote all my essays the day before the thing was due and my broader impacts were a load of crap, but oh well.
  8. Wrote a script to check fastlane and email me if it's back up. Running it as a cronjob every minute. Waiting for my android phone to make the happy new email sound.
  9. I see it, it's at the top of the "advisories" box on this page: https://www.fastlane.nsf.gov/index.jsp
  10. Awexome

    DOE CSGF 2011

    They said they are currently reviewing applications this week, and we could expect to hear back sometime next week.
  11. Awexome

    DOE CSGF 2011

    I was accepted into the school for which I built my program of study - is that something I should contact them about to improve my chances, or does it not matter at all?
  12. Awexome

    DOE CSGF 2011

    So tired of waiting...
  13. Central US. Postmarked March 16th.
  14. Just got my Ph.D. rejection letter in the mail today.
  15. Awexome

    DOE CSGF 2011

    I'm waiting for this as well. Has anyone heard anything? The website says mid to late March so it seems possible that people will start hearing pretty soon if not already.
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