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Everything posted by stupidcat

  1. stupidcat

    UC Merced

    I am, I'll be joining the physics department.
  2. Have you visited both schools. If so, how do you feel about the professors and fellow grad students?
  3. That's one of the main things that appeals to me actually.
  4. That sounds good, a lot of the professors at the school are fairly young in their careers but come from highly regarded (see phds.org) phd programs and postdoc positions. Yeah, I've checked out that and phds.org. Since Merced opened up around 2005 there isn't any ranking/placement data on the school in general. I'm in the physical sciences.
  5. I was accepted to UC Merced and attended an open house for the department recently. I liked the entire experience there and I think it would be a great fit, but I'm worried about the job hunt afterwords. My hope is to get on the tenure track at a research institution and I know that it's already hard to begin with, would I just be completely shooting myself in the foot going with UCM?
  6. my cat was walking all over my keyboard as i was signing up to this forum
  7. Wow, this morning has been crappy. Got 3 rejections from UCSB, UCLA, and UCD when I checked their respective websites. Ah well, there's always next year.
  8. Thanks, I'm hoping. I've still been checking twice a day since I got the email yesterday (morning/night) and still nothing.
  9. Good sign? Bad Sign? Why they tell me now, bah. The wait is the worst part.
  10. You could try emailing the other programs late this month or early next month (if you haven't heard back from them) telling them that you have an offer from #1 school with $x funding for y years and that you were wondering what the prospects are for you in their (school 2 and 3) department. It would be good to wait and be able to visit all the schools that accept you to make a fully informed decision, but it sounds like you're already sitting in a very good position, congrats.
  11. I would ask my adviser/professor at my current institution for advice and/or email the department secretary of the places I've applied about the situation. Ask in the email if you would need to submit a change in your app because of that reason; most likely you won't have to.
  12. What is this Berkeley, never heard of it.
  13. I am celebrating (got acceptance notice last night) by continuing my research project. Analyzing my results right now in fact.
  14. Inquiring minds would like to know.
  15. The method of asking your adviser and reading papers on the subject, I would assume.
  16. adcomm: Is that another application? secretary: Nope, it's just trash. *tosses application in the recycle bin*
  17. A lot of schools that have required personal statements (not the sops) mention as a prompt to talk about anything that hindered your education. That's probably a good place to mention it. Just remember to make the overall essay positive and to make sure it doesn't sound whiney.
  18. I'm buying my referees lunch as a thank you.
  19. broken arrow
  20. boxing ring
  21. stupidcat


    I'm hoping this is the case. I am in the same situation. My undergrad transcripts are being reported as being received by the NSF but my graduate transcript is being reported as not being received. I went to talked with the records people at my school over the phone (15th) and in person (the 23rd/today) and both time the ladies helping me told me they have records of sending out the transcript on the 1st of November (to the proper address). I'm really hoping that there's just a large volume of transcripts coming in and they just haven't gotten to my grad school transcript yet. I've tried calling a few times but I'm not getting through so I'm going to try emailing them and finding out what is going on.
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