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Everything posted by ydg23

  1. I'm not applying to Duke, but I think they are making sure the ones invited for interviews are "keepers." I don't think it means you are not in, but I do think the chances are slim. Best of luck on your applications.
  2. Congrats on getting an interview. I'd treat it like a face to face interview and dress up. It can't hurt.
  3. Sorry for your news. Keep your hopes up. It only takes one. I've heard nothing, but I'm in religion.
  4. I freaked out about it. I think I have saved about six versions of it. That's not counting the specific ones for each school. I kept starting over and keeping pieces from different ones. Even after they were submitted I still panicked over them. You might want to look into an essay editing company, but they are expensive. Good luck!
  5. I did not know that. Do you know if the deadline change is for all religion graduate degrees or the M.A.? (I've already applied, but I'm curious.)
  6. I've also applied to Notre Dame, but in Moral Theology. Good luck to you.
  7. Good luck. I am sorry I have no advice other than take deep breaths before. It really helps calm the nerves.
  8. This is my first time applying to these programs, so I don't have a lot of experience in these matters. I would go ahead and contact them. The SOP is a really big deal. Re-word either one's closing paragraph and ask them if you can replace that document. I have had to make some changes on my applications, and everyone has been really nice. Hopefully the people putting your application together won't be the same people reviewing it. Good Luck. Sorry. I just read your edit.
  9. I waived my rights, but I know my professors very well.
  10. Strangefox, Thanks for the help. Your advice is very, very helpful.
  11. The National Research Council has some free info for downloads. Also, http://www.phds.org/ has a lot of the NRC information.
  12. I am applying to several schools. Some of them ask for specific information on how you would fit in their program. Some of them want a very general statement about interests and academic history. Do you think the SOP needs to mention each school directly? Is it OK not to mention the school's name and have a generic SOP? Thanks for you help.
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