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  • Application Season
    2013 Fall
  • Program
    sociocultural anth

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  1. thanks, i feel a bit better! the concerns seem to be mainly pest and safety based, but i totally checked a few crime maps and the area seems to be really low in crimes. i also took note that there is a regular pest control schedule, so i wonder if maybe people just were slobs? oh well, i'll know when i get there!
  2. Hi everyone, I just was apartment searching and found a place that I was really happy with- decent price, corner of Hyde Park near the Triangle, seemed really nice... Turned in a deposit and application, but I just started reading these reviews online- apartmentratings.com and sort of flipped- the apartment sounded TERRIBLE and I'm like completely shocked from the reviews. Do people think these reviews are anything worth trusting? I worked with a locator I really liked, but now I'm concerned I got screwed and I'm back home (abroad) now. So I guess my question is, go with how I felt about the place when I saw it, or try to get out of it/find something else based on the reviews on a (sorta) random website?
  3. it depends on who you ask. typically, i have heard within my own dept., that U.S. phds are preferred for hiring at U.S. and Canadian schools. some people say otherwise... but i would ask people you trust who aren't in either department but know your field- like do you have an undergrad advisor to ask? they can probably tell you more honestly. also, talk to recent phds from the program- usually if you ask your prospective advisor they can point you to someone.
  4. hi, i'm at a canadian school (as a u.s. citizen) and i have to say one major difference is funding opportunities... in the u.s. outside funding is primarily open to anyone (regardless of citizenship) who is at a u.s. school, but in canada funding opportunities tend to by for canadian citizens only. this applies to the main funding agency, SSHRC which is how lots of canadian students get funded... that's not to say programs don't offer financial packages to u.s. students- they do! and many programs have TAs who get paid very well.
  5. anybody from hear from ut? i emailed a week ago and got a response saying not all candidates had been notified... but i think my hope is pretty much extinguished at this point.
  6. Hi Panama Slim- Sorry I should have given more info- this would be for an environmental anthropology student in the environmental science and policy program- if anyone fits the bill, contact Susie (info listed above).
  7. For those of you still looking for programs/having poor luck, I received this email from a list serv- All, I am writing to announce that we have funding for exceptional PhD students in our department-- students must apply for next year to be considered. Please email me directly for details. scrate1@gmu.edu Thanks, Susie Susan A. Crate Associate Professor of Anthropology Department of Environmental Science and Policy George Mason University David King Hall, MS 5F2 4400 University Drive Fairfax, Va 22030-4400 tele: 703-993-1517 FAX: 703-993-1066 http://mason.gmu.edu/~scrate1/
  8. Any word from UT Austin? I saw the archaeology admit- but socio-cultural anyone?... There's so little info on the results board- like across years!
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