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Hmmm, got a postal letter from UMich today reconfirming my online rejection. How nice of them to reject me twice. :wink:
Congrats, SocialPsych! I know you were eager to hear from them for the on-campus interview and it looks like things have worked out nicely. Good luck!
Thanks for the update, SI. I didn't apply to work with Sidanius but I do love his social dominance work. No new news on this end. Waiting...waiting... :|
*crickets* ShaperImage, any word on your end yet?
Per the DGS, UCLA's acceptances will be issued ~ the week after the interview weekend (2/19-2/20). Sorry, don't have any further information as to whether there will be another round of application reviews or how many people will be attending the interview weekend.
Welcome, C.C.! Have you heard from any of your prospective schools yet? Good luck!
Happy Monday, all. Has anyone heard anything from U of Arizona? Thanks!
Word. Yep, still no word...
Congrats to all on your promising news! Also, interview notifications are going out now for Columbia's social psych.
Nope, nothing yet, SharperImage. I emailed the grad coordinator about 1.5 weeks ago with an unrelated question but she did share that the social dept. does have the apps for review.
I imagine receiving my own fair share of rejections over the coming months so I had a good chuckle when I ran across this oldie but goodie... Dear Admissions Committee: Having reviewed the many rejection letters I have received in the last few weeks, it is with great regret that I must inform you I am unable to accept your rejection at this time. This year, after applying to a great many colleges and universities, I received an especially fine crop of rejection letters. Unfortunately, the number of rejections that I can accept is limited. Each of my rejections was reviewed carefully and on an individual basis. Many factors were taken into account - the size of the institution, student-faculty ratio, location, reputation, costs and social atmosphere. I am certain that most colleges I applied to are more than qualified to reject me. I am also sure that some mistakes were made in turning away some of these rejections. I can only hope they were few in number. I am aware of the keen disappointment my decison may bring. Throughout my deliberations, I have kept in mind the time and effort it may have taken for you to reach your decision to reject me. Keep in mind that at times it was necessary for me to reject even those letters of rejection that would normally have met my traditionally high standards. I appreciate your having enough interest in me to reject my application. Let me take the opportunity to wish you well in what I am sure will be a successful academic year. SEE YOU IN THE FALL! Sincerely, Paul Devlin Applicant at Large source: http://www.collegiatechoice.com/myaccept.htm
Hmm, t_ruth, gathering data points for a new chart, perhaps? :wink:
blindblonde: Was that your update posting on the results page? If so, good luck to you! I hope you're feeling good about your phone interview and how wonderful that you'll hear an admission decision next week. Yay!
Hi, everyone! I have a friend whose top 2 developmental psych Ph.D. programs are Penn State & Purdue. Anyone heard from either of these schools? Thanks and GL to all!
Emma: A great article, indeed. Thanks for posting!
socialpsych: Congrats! I'm a believer in keeping it positive and sending good thoughts out there for everyone. (I'm a lover, not a fighter ) It's just nice to know schools are sending out word now, at least.
High five, greyline! Congrats on your FOUR interviews thus far. That's awesome. If you get a moment, perhaps you can post your information to the results page of this forum?
Congrats on your interviews, kiki! That's terrific and I wish you great luck. Maybe the thread wasn't updated b/c of the holiday weekend? In any event, I'm sure others will very much appreciate the updates you provided.
stephmanasse: My apologies if you're already aware of the thread that regularly updates clinical psych notifications on studentdoctor.net, but thought I'd post a link to it here for you or anyone else who may be interested: http://forums.studentdoctor.net/showthread.php?t=586412 A mod updates the first page based on posters' updates throughout the thread. Hope this helps (and I wish there was a similar thread for my sub-field)!
Bummer to hear that about UMichigan. Good luck to those who did receive an interview to there. If you happen to be lurking around this site, feel free to share any info. about your research interests. Thanks for the update, ammo1.
If you've been in contact with a particular professor or the grad director, you may want to ask him/her directly. That way you'll be 100% comfortable and have one less thing to worry about during the interview. Good luck to you!
Congratulations, greyline! That's terrific news. Was this invitation for social psychology?
What a cruel email message from USC, ShaperImage! Sheesh. FWIW, I spoke with a UC psych faculty member who said that things are definitely still up in the air with regard to funding. Perhaps a key question to ask during an interview will be how well funded a professor is (e.g., do they have current grants? When does/do the grant(s) expire?) and if any of their grants explicitly include funding for a grad student. One of my current profs said that this can help to offset any cuts in university or departmental funding.
That's a fair comment, weeble. I was just addressing the question about grad admissions only. Wonder if extra emphasis this season will be on applicants with extramural funding. Unfortunately, I'm not one of 'em.
I, too, am curious for the social psych subgroup. To help assuage my slight (ha!) obsessiveness, I did a results search for UC-Boulder social psych and it appears that they have a later-than-typical notification timeline. Last year, someone posted that they were notified about an interview on 2/20 for the 3/13-3/16 interview weekend. This makes some sense considering they have one of the later app. deadlines (1/01). GL and I'll let you know if I hear anything, too.