Program Applied To :MPA
Schools Applied To: NYU Wagner, AU SPA, GW Trachtenberg, UW Evans School
Schools Admitted To: NYU Wagner ($3,000), AU SPA ($33,000 + Graduate Assistantship), GW Trachtenberg ($5,000 plus waitlisted for "more generous funding awards")
Schools Rejected From:
Still Waiting: UW Evans
Undergraduate institution: University of Washington
Undergraduate GPA: 3.86
Undergraduate Major: International Studies
GRE Quantitative Score: 720
GRE Verbal Score: 630
GRE AW Score: 4.5
Years Out of Undergrad (if applicable): 3.5
Years of Work Experience: 3.5
Describe Relevant Work Experience: AmeriCorps VISTA in refugee resettlement, Academic Coordinator for nonprofit serving refugees and immigrants
Very pleasantly surprised by the Graduate Honor Award given to me by American University. I will most likely end up there until GW gets back to me soon and has a better offer. Good luck to everyone out there! Phew, this whole process is practically over!