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Everything posted by psychgirl77

  1. The date in my letter listed May 24th as the last date to respond
  2. This happened to someone in my program halfway through the year. So it is possible, but I'm not sure how often this happens.
  3. You only hear by mail regarding SSHRC awards. I would take it as a very good sign that your institution is emailing you though!
  4. It did feel fairly thick though because those 3 pages are folded.
  5. For me, it was conferences that I did posters or talks at.
  6. I just received my letter and am happy to say I won a CGS!!! I previously applied to CIHR and had no luck, so I am beyond thrilled. I applied to committee 4, education, linguistics, psychology, social work. My score was 24.1/30. I am going into my second year of the PhD. Masters gpa 4.02 1 publication, second author 15 conferences 2 TA positions 3 RA positions MA sshrc Several internal small awards and one larger internal award I didn't get to see my reference letters but I think they would have been strong Had my proposal reviewed by two professors and a Phd student. My proposal went from being mediocre to much better after several revisions. I hope everyone else hears good news too! Oh and I'm on the west coast fyi
  7. Cool, thanks! Didn't see your stats earlier somehow. Congrats on the award!
  8. Anyone in psychology heard yet and willing to post stats?
  9. Thanks very much for this, and I'm sorry you didn't get the scholarship. I know how it feels, having not gotten it when I applied to cihr previously.
  10. Would anyone who didn't win an award be willing to post their stats? I think it would be helpful for those of us still waiting.
  11. Yup they seriously need to start sending email. As someone whose school does not notify and lives far away from Ottawa, this wait is excruciating!! I really don't want to be poor next year.
  12. Congrats! Which committee did you apply to or what is your area?
  13. Oh man, I forget to check this page until now and there are three new pages!! Ahhhhh, results have been mailed out! Too bad my university never notifies us. I have to wait for the letter, and I'm going to be waiting awhile because I'm far from Ottawa.
  14. Somehow the wait seems that much worse now that it is actually close. I also feel as though Friday will be the day. We shall see. I agree that this is totally not healthy for us!!
  15. I keep stalking the twitter feed. Ugh, this is going to be a long wait.....
  16. Congrats!!! So I guess they send the info to departments before they put the letters in the mail....?
  17. Last year letters were mailed April 27. I wonder if it will be the same this year!
  18. I wish they would notify us through email on a specified date like CIHR....
  19. Yes, this is normal. Happened to me when I was accepted and asked for more money.
  20. Wow, really?? Are you sure these weren't people who were rejected by their university, thus their application didn't go forward to the national competition, rather than receiving a letter from SSHRC? This would seem super early to be hearing already.
  21. I'm confused about the A list B list thing. If you are in Canada and applied through your university, are you automatically on the A list? Since your home university already did a ranking of applications and only sent out the highest ranked ones? Or is the A and B list determined once all the applications are sent to SSHRC?
  22. This strategy worked for me. I got an extra $5000 offered to me when I said I had another offer with better funding. My POI asked to see my offer letter from the other school that stipulated the funding amount, passed it on to the department, and then I was given a counteroffer that matched the funding amount.
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