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Everything posted by psychgirl77

  1. Ahhh, I see. Good luck on your program applications, and hopefully you will get to make some of these tough decisions. It's too bad that SSHRC comes out so late; it would benefit a lot of people if they released the decisions in March.
  2. I'm not sure what you mean about there being a direct link between the school you are accepted at and how much a PhD SSHRC would be worth. PhD SSHRC's are either 20,000 or 35,000, but the school you go to shouldn't matter in terms of which one you get. That is determined by how you are ranked by SSHRC - those with the highest ranked applications get 35,000, and those with lower ranked application, but who are still funded get $20,000. Am I missing something?
  3. I also found out I was forwarded by my university! Now the waiting until April begins....
  4. Do we have to login to find out or will they send us an email?
  5. Thanks.
  6. I'm hoping to pursue a career in both research and clinical practice. My focus would be research, but I'd like to see clients on the side. Regarding funding, I actually received more funding than most (I got an extra entrance award), and there's not really anything for my UG adviser to do in terms of getting me extra funding in future years because no students are guaranteed funding after year 1. In terms of living apart from my husband, I would be willing to do it for awhile, but not for the full 6 years. He's not particularly willing to live apart at all.
  7. I am trying to decide between two clinical psych PhD programs and I'm having a very difficult time. School A is my undergrad institution, and as such, I would not have to move to attend. I am married, and my husband has a job here that he would rather not leave, and we both LOVE the city. Both of our friends and families live here. I know many of the professors and students here and so the transition to grad school would be quite smooth. The downside is that funding is only guaranteed for 1 year. There are TAships available for the following years, but it's not guaranteed (though highly likely I would be able to attain one). Another huge downside is that I am less interested in the research that I would be doing at this school. School B is in a smaller city, and with the economy the way it is, it may prove quite difficult for my husband to find a job there. He is not very willing to move to this city because of it's size, and he just generally does not like the city. The program has guaranteed funding for all 6 years (18,000 a year through a combination of TA, RAships, and fellowships). Also, the research match is phenomenal -- I really couldn't ask for a better fit. At both schools my potential supervisors are quite prolific in publishing, so that is not a concern at either school. Any advice on what to do?
  8. Anyone have any more info about Kingston? I'm seriously considering an offer at Queen's University. Thanks!
  9. Simon Fraser University. It's in Canada, but it's one of the top ranked programs in the forensic area.
  10. I would recommend Hastings-Sunrise as a good area to live in. That's where I grew up and you can find nice places with good rent prices. It's not too far to get to SFU from there either. Another option is living in Burnaby; there are some great areas to consider there as well - North Burnaby and areas near Lougheed Mall as well. Good luck!
  11. I got an interview invite today. It was nice, because it was entirely unexpected since it's Sunday.
  12. Here's a link to a useful thread for those applying to Canadian programs http://forums.studentdoctor.net/showthread.php?t=590453
  13. Hey you're lucky you get mail on Saturdays! I'm in Canada and we don't get mail Saturday or Sundays!!! Two days to chill out, ahhhhh!
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