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Posts posted by tayfray

  1. I know! A friend of mine found out she got into MIT (nuclear engineering) so now I am all WHERE ARE MY LETTERS?!?!

    Other than that, I have only heard of one person in speech/hearing that has heard back. A friend of mine got into Indiana's AuD program. No word on SLPs yet (though a buddy got an invite to St. Xavier's open house...we overanalyzed that one to death).

    Yeah, I got the invitation to the SXU open house, but I don't think it means anything.

  2. I haven't heard anything yet :\ ... it is definitely nerve wracking. I think there is a forum on this website of SLP masters applicants from last years cycle - you might want to check that out. You can check the dates of all the posts and get a sense of when last years applicants started to hear back from some schools. I'll try and find the link and post it on here for you.

    Ohh, I've already read that like 4 or 5 times all the way through. ;) It kind of freaks me out when I get to the people who were still waiting in APRIL. I'm thinking the timing will be a little different this year, though, because a bunch of the schools are using CSDCAS for the first time instead of doing it the traditional way. 6 of my schools are CSDCAS.


    I got an email from Pitt today saying they received my app from CSDCAS but that it is incomplete - they said they are missing my letters of recommendation. REALLY?! How is this possible CSDCAS? They have been submitted since Jan 10!! ELECTRONICALLY!!!!

    And after waiting ohhhh I don't know... 45 minutes? to speak with someone from CSDCAS, they urged me to tell all my schools that they can access this info online. Even though all the schools I applied to have assured me they won't even glance at my app until they have received everything FROM CSDCAS.


    Oh, no!

    Did CSDCAS just screw up and send them an incomplete package? Yikes!

    What a horrible, horrible system.

  4. Emerson sent me the same thing before my application had been mailed from CSDCAS. I think schools have access to it as soon as you put the school name in the system BUT not all schools will look at it before it is mailed to them. Once it has been mailed you will see a date next to the school name in the results area.

    I think they get your contact info and your submission date. I'm pretty sure they don't get your materials until CSDCAS mails it out to them.

  5. ughhh. I still don't think they even mailed mine out yet. I've been waiting for several weeks for my GPA to be calculated. It was calculated as of Thursday last week but there still isn't a mailing date next to any of my school designations. I'm trying to not think about it because I get really angry, and even angrier when I realize there is nothing I can do about it haha.

    Mine aren't mailed either. I heard that they try to mail them in batches, which is really annoying.

  6. Hi! So glad I found this. My non-CSD friends are really sick of listening to me about apps.

    I've applied to:

    Pitt (where I'm currently finishing my BS in CSD)

    University of Washington - Seattle






    I hated CSDCAS and don't want to talk about it...

    Good luck to everyone!

    If it makes you feel better, my CSDCAS application was just processed this morning. Even with a whole host of absurd problems (which I can tell you about by private message if you want a vent session), it took 26 days from the day I e-submitted.

  7. Don't read too much into short, clipped emails from professors. As someone who has been in academia for a good long while, this is normal. They get a bazillion emails and they just want to get through them, and they don't worry about being wordy to make you feel better. You're lucky if they sign the email with more than a lowercase initial. The professor that I work for rarely sends out emails that are complete sentences. The average character length is probably about 20. :rolleyes:

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