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  1. hah, also going to Arizona this week. I smoke, but I can go for awhile without one. But, when I have a free moment to myself, that's when I duck out.
  2. Is an "open house" the same thing as an interview? Anyone attend last year? Did lots of potential students go or only a hand ful?
  3. I would go a step further: read the abstracts but also read the intro and discussion, just to give you a more thorough understanding, which can also help facilitate remembering the "basics" of what they found. Truthfully, I had some interviews where I was able to bring up their research and others didn't - they just went off. But I always tried to bring it in (like, "Oh, yes, I read the paper where you did X"). Just a simple comment can be good.
  4. Hey, I applied to the CNUP at Pitt (Center for Neurosciennce at Univ Pitt). Not to their psych dept. Their deadline was Dec 1st, I think, and Carl Olson (who, is directly affiliated with CMU but is also on pitt faculty) called me around Dec. 15th or something. I remember it was really quick.
  5. Applied to Neuroscience (cognitive): Applied to:: UPitt, UArizona, WashU, Brown-NIH, Oxford-NIH, Univ Col London-NIH, NYU, Boston Univ, Princeton Heard back and interviewing with:: Pitt, Arizona, WashU, Brown, NYU Haven't heard from NIH-Oxford/Uni Col London, Boston, Princeton (though Boston and NIH ones did not have their deadline until Jan 3rd). I am starting to think that I was rejected to Princeton neuro program =( oh well.
  6. Applied to Neuroscience (cognitive): Applied to: UPitt, UArizona, UWashington, Brown-NIH, Oxford-NIH, Univ Col London-NIH, NYU, Boston Univ, Princeton Heard back and interviewing with Pitt, Arizona, Washington, Brown, NYU Haven't heard from NIH-Oxford/Uni Col London, Boston, Princeton (though Boston and NIH ones did not have their deadline until Jan 3rd). I am starting to think that I was rejected to Princeton neuro program =( oh well.
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