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Status Updates posted by imwright

  1. Can you handle the Zimbardo-ness??

    1. tkovach05


      As in the creepy, pencil-thin goatee wearing, pschologist from Stanford?

    2. imwright


      The one and the same :-P

  2. Sounds great! I really enjoyed my visits (the initial interview and then I also drove down last weekend with my fiancee so that she could check out the Uni and town). The facilities and faculty are unbelievably spectacular. I can't wait to get my research on!

    Out of sheer curiousity, what are your particular research interests within the field of School Psychology?

  3. The Grad Gods have spoken... I will be attending Mississippi State University next Fall!

  4. I thoroughly enjoyed my time at MSU this past week/weekend! Pleasant and dedicated professors and students to potentially work with, awesome equipment to learn to use (fMRI, getting an EEG cap, and an uber cool motor vehicle testing center (CAVS)), as well as an all around great program! My fit = Perfect!

    1. newms
    2. neuropsych76


      I'm glad you had such a good visit at MSU :) If you think its a great fit then you're golden!

    3. cogscipixie
  5. Nope, nothing yet. I have an interview with Mississippi State University next week/weekend. I am pretty stoked about it!

  6. Interviews at Iowa went well, at least from what I can tell :-)

  7. I spoke to my POI from the University of Iowa over the phone and I have been officially invited for an interview. Keep them coming!

    1. cogscipixie


      that's great!!! I knew you would get an interview there :)

  8. Waiting for new news on the application situation!

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