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Everything posted by imwright

  1. Can you handle the Zimbardo-ness??

    1. tkovach05


      As in the creepy, pencil-thin goatee wearing, pschologist from Stanford?

    2. imwright


      The one and the same :-P

  2. Sounds great! I really enjoyed my visits (the initial interview and then I also drove down last weekend with my fiancee so that she could check out the Uni and town). The facilities and faculty are unbelievably spectacular. I can't wait to get my research on!

    Out of sheer curiousity, what are your particular research interests within the field of School Psychology?

  3. The Grad Gods have spoken... I will be attending Mississippi State University next Fall!

  4. I thoroughly enjoyed my time at MSU this past week/weekend! Pleasant and dedicated professors and students to potentially work with, awesome equipment to learn to use (fMRI, getting an EEG cap, and an uber cool motor vehicle testing center (CAVS)), as well as an all around great program! My fit = Perfect!

    1. newms
    2. neuropsych76


      I'm glad you had such a good visit at MSU :) If you think its a great fit then you're golden!

    3. cogscipixie
  5. Nope, nothing yet. I have an interview with Mississippi State University next week/weekend. I am pretty stoked about it!

  6. Interviews at Iowa went well, at least from what I can tell :-)

  7. I applied to FSU as well and I have yet to hear back from them (as well as 9 other programs). Are you getting a "rejection" vibe or do you know that they already sent out their invites/acceptances?
  8. I was emailed that I had a decision waiting for me on my application website from the University of Virginia (in Charlottesville). The verdict? Rejected (but not a top pick so I am not feeling too morose over it). Has anyone received any new news from the University of Pittsburgh (Cognitive Program) or Temple University (Brain and Cognitive Sciences Program)?
  9. I spoke to my POI from the University of Iowa over the phone and I have been officially invited for an interview. Keep them coming!

    1. cogscipixie


      that's great!!! I knew you would get an interview there :)

  10. I applied to Iowa University's Psychology PhD program with a focus in Behavioral and Cognitive Neuroscience (BCN). I was emailed by the faculty member who I had displayed interests in working with. Who were your faculty member(s) of interest in the Biosciences' cognitive neuroscience track? I believe there are heavy overlaps between the faculty within the psychology, biosciences, and neuroscience departments.
  11. I am still going to cross my fingers for both Temple and Boulder. Thank you for passing along the news and congrats!
  12. Waiting for new news on the application situation!

  13. Thanks for the reply Dac112! Congrats with the interview at Temple. I had (and still have!) hopes of an interview with them (fingers crossed!). I received an email from the program's director, Dr. Ingrid Olson, on December 17th stating that my application looked quite interesting, but it was missing my essay that discuss my research interests (which I submitted with the electronic application, so I am not sure how it didn't make it). Dr. Olsen and I emailed back and forth discussing why I choose to apply to a big school like Temple and she asked how I think I would fair in a large city like Philadelphia. I am from North Carolina and I attended the University of North Carolina at Charlotte in, of course, Charlotte so I basically said I felt that although my school is small compared to Temple and the city is medium sized compared to Philadelphia, that I was more interested in the education portion that is being offered than the location (although it is also a factor but not as much as the academics!). I haven't heard back since then. Personally I would love to attend a school like Temple - advanced equipment and resources for all works of research. I applied to work with Dr. Weisberg and if accepted, my goal would be to work on various projects involving creativity, as that is his main research field. Furthermore, I would like to collaborate with the more neuroscience-inclined faculty members at Temple to research the neural substrates and pathways underlying creative thinking (an area with precious little data and research) as well as on learning and memory. But again, my fingers are crossed in hopes that my inbox will contain an email for a Temple interview. So far nothing, all I can do is knock on wood and wait -Isaiah
  14. I applied to Pitt to work with the same faculty as you. Out of curiousity, what are your research interests and have you heard back from Pitt yet?
  15. I applied to the following cognitive psychology, experimental, and cognitive neuroscience programs: University of Virginia Bowling Green State University University of Iowa* SUNY-Stony Brook University of Pittsburgh University of Alabama University of Colorado Washington University in St. Louis University of Greensboro Temple University University of South Florida Florida State University Mississippi State University *I received an email from the University of Iowa on January 20th that explained that my application was of high interest and that they would also like to setup a phone or Skype interview. I am not sure if this is a pre-interview to determine if I am a worthy candidate for an official interview down the line or if it is "THE" interview. Either way, I am still very excited (and a little nervous) about the interest! Does anyone have any tips on the phone interviewing process (questions they will ask, questions I should ask, etc. etc.)? Has anyone else heard back from any of the schools that I listed above? Out of sheer curiosity, who are some of the professors that you would like to work with and what are your research interests?
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