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Status Replies posted by imwright

  1. potential advisor from one of the schools I rejected is speaking with his grad student today at my current research center.

    1. imwright


      You know, I almost thought I heard awkward crickets playing yesterday... Did you go say hello?

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  2. Can you handle the Zimbardo-ness??

  3. Next week I'm breaking down and emailing the final schools I haven't heard from.

    1. imwright


      Out of curiosity, how are you going about the emailing process with poise and proper etiquette? I still have six schools to hear from thus I am currently in the same boat as you... I would like to know where I stand (accepted, rejected, wait-listed) so that I can make my final decisions with the acceptances I have already received!

      PS. Do you know much about this April 15th "deadline" brought about by the Council of Graduate Schools?

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  4. Next week I'm breaking down and emailing the final schools I haven't heard from.

    1. imwright


      The rest of my comment never posted I can't remember what I was writing (Embarrassed face). I believe it was along the lines of wishing you best of luck and that I am sure you will pick the school that best fits you and will make you happy :-)

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  5. Next week I'm breaking down and emailing the final schools I haven't heard from.

    1. imwright


      Hey bud, I have to say that you missed out on a great week and weekend here at MSU! My flight leaves at 11:30AM but I am hoping it is cancelled so that I can stay longer here :-P It is a fantastic campus with dedicated and very knowledgeable professors (and of course Dr. Moss is amazingly brilliant, compassionate about his work and his student's work, and it doesn't hurt that he, himself, is a very pleasant person to be around!). Best of luck in you final decisions, I am sure...

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  6. It's official. I will not be working at a fast rood place after I graduate. First acceptance!!!!!

    1. imwright


      I am a little slow on the felicitations but I will say it nonetheless, "Congratulations!". Who was it from?

    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

  7. well, hey =, OSU thank for your brief rejection via mail. I didn't really want to be a Buckeye anyways, or live in Buckeye territory for 5 years.

    1. imwright


      Hahaha This cracked me up! Much of my extended family lives in Ohio thus they also tend to support the "mighty" Buckeyes. From visiting family up there, I can assure you that you will not be missing a lot, as much of Ohio is very insipid and cold :-P

      I am still waiting to hear back from more schools. Only two so far!!!

  8. received an official letter for full-funding from Purdue!!!!

    1. imwright


      Yay! Congrats all around! You are really hitting them out of the ballpark.

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  9. leaving for first interview tomorrow! Hope I don't get lost driving there.

    1. imwright


      You are driving? Where to? Good luck and most of all, have fun!

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  10. official date set for my U of Kentucky visit. Interviewing with my potential advisor separately from the other candidate weekend frees up a lot more of my schedule.

    1. imwright


      I also have an official date set but for my Iowa University visit. I was given a few different flight times and days, so I think it will be just me. From what I take of it, I will be interviewed by potential advisor and then I get to visit with the rest of the department and some of the current graduate students. I am looking forward to it and I cannot wait! And of course, congrats on yours! (By chance, when is yours?)

  11. got accepted into Purdue's Ed Psych PhD program. So out of the blue, but definitely made my week!

  12. heard back from 1st school and it's an interview! Let the interview season commence!

    1. imwright


      Same! The University of Iowa would like to fly me out for an official interview. Very exciting! Of course everything has to be counterbalanced: I received my first rejection from the University of Virginia (but there weren't any high hopes there). Best of luck as results continue to creep on in!

      Ps. I see there is still no word from Pitt on your end either?

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

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